
Started by Madoushi_Clef, March 16, 2006, 03:59:50 AM

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What's everyone's favorite pairings?

If you know me at all, you'd know that my OTP of all OTPs is Clef/Umi. -melts- I <3 them.

My second favorite pairing would probably be HikaruEagle, but I usually write Hikaru/Lantis, just because it's easier to write. XDD

If you want to know the turth, I will read pretty much any pairing if it's written well. And yes, that includes both Asmi and Clef/Presea. I've read my share of both.

I also have several strange pet pairings. One is AscotZazu! I happen to know several people who like this as well (Bearit... d o w n...) I also have a soft spot for Lantis/Clef and Caldina/Clef.


Yup. I'm very odd.

I am nearly as big of an Umi/Clef fan as Suzanami is Fuu/Ferio fan. 

I have a terrible problem bringing myself to read an Umi/Ascot fic.  Umi with anyone else is difficult for me to stomach.  I had a difficult time with Aikakone's "The Man Who Fell to Earth" for that reason.  Not to mention I am easily amused by anyone named Steve.  (Rogue might have an idea why ^_^)



I'm really anal about my MKR pairings. I don't know why.

Fuu/Ferio is my ultimate OTP. Has been since like November 2000. *blush* Yeah... I've been known for that for years. XD Probably will be forevah, and I do not mind one bit. :B Updating the shrine this past month kinda sent me crashing rather violently back into the fandom. I gotta stop getting Fuu/Ferio plot bunnies. It's unhealthy. :o

Fuu/Ferio used to be the most popular pairing a couple years ago, but with all the new blood coming into the fandom, it's changed to Clef/Umi, much to my dismay. I know everyone loves it, but I swear CLAMP was smoking something when they came up with it. I find it absolutely out-of-character in the anime, especially if the feelings are reciprocated. I tried really hard to see it but I cannot. I've read like... two Clemi fics where the interaction between them didn't make my OOC radar go red. I know... everyone disagrees with me. D:
I ship Umi/Ascot more out of it being the alternate than because the pairing makes me wibble, although when it's written really well (which is harder to do than one might think), it does make me smile. ^-^

I hate Hikaru/Lantis as a pairing because she deserves someone with an actual personality. Her feelings all stem from deep-rooted guilt, I say!!! I do like the Lantis/Hikaru/Eagle love triangle of sorts for plot-type reasons. People occasionally handle it SO well.
I like Hikaru/Zazu. I wouldn't wish it in canon, but as an AU or whatever? It amuses me so. Lantis, especially in the anime, makes me want to put him in a field full of puppies and kittens and butterflies playing while "It's a Wonderful World" plays in the background... just to see if the idiot will PRETEND to smile. Or maybe say something less emo and deep. Augh! Hikaru/Lantis my BUTT. XD;

The Caldina/Lafarga pairing came out of NOWHERE, but it works for me. Doesn't do anything for me, but works.

The whole Sierra plot is on crack, and while I find the Presea-in-love-with-Clef thing stupid, I find the Sierra one even more annoying. More than Clemi. ;)

And when I see Primera/Mokona fics, a part of me dies.
• le tumblr —> mainfandomdrawings

I have noticed that Fuu/Ferio is slipping down to second in the Rayearth fandom, but this upsets me for tother reasons.  It means that with the uprise of Umi/Clef  (the term "Clemi" can die for all I care) there are even more sucky fics out there.  I understand that, yes, a number are a bit out of character, and that I have been guilty of it myself. We try.  I takes alot of work to make that relationship work. ^_^ 

I am not too terribly happy with the all of the wide range of  It is so hard to find good fanfiction these days. FFN is more populated with bad fics than it ever has been before. I have given up on it. 

I'm sorry to tell you suzanami, I'm a HUGE fan of HIKARU AND LANTIS! Don't know why, nor do I care. I still think they're meant to be together. I don't really detest Eagle or anything, I just detest him when he's with Hikaru.

The other pairings are okay. I can't imagine Fuu with anyone else but Ferio, though some people might put her with Geo if it suits them. I think Clef/Presea is an okay pairing too. With Umi... I honestly can't decide who to pair her with. I am sort of on the Ascot/Umi side, but if I find a really REALLY good Clef/Umi fic, I might change that. Clef/Umi fics are okay with me though.

I still say Hikaru and Lantis are the best! :D That would just be me though.


Wow, you guys kinda make me a little nervous about writing Clemi ^^U

Clemi is the only pairing I really ship in any fandom because I like well-written fics with solid plots more than I basically read everything.  Although I totally agree with Milieva, the quality of fic on is rather...poor.  Someone should really establish a general fanfiction site that's quality screened, although that's a but improbable.

But anyways, its good to see we have a good set of diversity here in terms of pairings and hopefully that will make for some interesting reading ^_^
"We know what we are, but know not what we may be" ~ Hamlet -  Scene 4, Act 5

Quote from: sciathan_file on March 16, 2006, 07:32:05 AM
Someone should really establish a general fanfiction site that's quality screened, although that's a but improbable.

Attempting to, but my issue in regards to Ascot/Umi fics will be a major draw back. Only time will tell.   I really need to lay off the Rayearth for a while....  It is becoming a problem. 

See, Rea-chan (aka Madoushi_Clef [pick a name and stay with it]).  I told you this was a bad idea.

QuoteLantis, especially in the anime, makes me want to put him in a field full of puppies and kittens and butterflies playing while "It's a Wonderful World" plays in the background...

-dies of laughter- OMG... the mental images...

QuoteI understand that, yes, a number are a bit out of character, and that I have been guilty of it myself.

Woot! I have yet to write a fic with either one of them in character... 'Worth' still makes me CRINGE. Eeeekkk.

QuoteSee, Rea-chan (aka Madoushi_Clef [pick a name and stay with it]).  I told you this was a bad idea.

-sulk- What was a bad idea? The forum? No one's come to blows yet!

March 17, 2006, 02:17:01 AM #8 Last Edit: March 17, 2006, 02:25:59 AM by Ai
-Jams to 'True Light', then realizes that she's on a Rayearth forum- ... Whoops! Sorry 'bout that. -puts on 'Yokan no Kaze'- Ahhh. Better. ^^-

Okay! Pairing time! And don't worry, Suzunami. xD I am so completely overprotective over Fuu. You can ask my lil' sisseh there if you don't believe me. x3 -points at Madoushi_Clef- Hi there. -waves- xD

Alrighty. =D So. My favorite pairing in all of Rayearth HAS to be Ferio/Fuu. Ahh, yes. The ultimate Canon. <3

Other pairings I love happen to include both Asmi and Clemi, Lantis/Hikaru, Lafarga/Caldina, Clef/Presea, Geo/Kuu (Don't ask. xD), Mokona/Primera (Again, don't ask. xD), Zagato/Emeraude, and so on and so forth. x3

I'm not normally overprotective over characters, but there are two exceptions to that little rule of mine. One is Winry Rockbell from FMA, and the other happens to be our very own Fuu Hououji. x3 OKAY! I need to stop getting off topic.

Please excuse my randomness. I'm currently on a sugarhigh, no thanks to Collector's Club earlier today that fed me brownies. >>; Yeeeeah. I'm getting REALLY off topic, I should just quit typing right now. XD


Quote from: sciathan_file on March 16, 2006, 07:32:05 AM
Wow, you guys kinda make me a little nervous about writing Clemi ^^U

Tell me about it. XD I still have to write that Clemi request for Lil' Sisseh over yonder. -glares at Rae-chan- You. I am going to get you back one of these days for making me write Clemi. Even though I half-like that pairing ..
I'm that girl who changes her avatar a little too often. x3 And proud.

current avatar made by umi_mizuno @ LJ <3

March 17, 2006, 02:26:27 AM #9 Last Edit: March 17, 2006, 02:45:28 AM by Madoushi_Clef
-tackleglomps Ai-chan- Seeee Milieva... I'm being a good recruiter.? :P

Yesh, my adopted big sisteh over there is a HUGE FuuFerio fan. ^_^ Suzanami might be interested to know that Ai-chan is doing FuuFerio for 30_kisses. Her fics are very good. XD Go read them.

She also likes Asmi better than Clemi... but I still <33333 her. But I still took advantage of the request a fic form that she put up on her profile... So WHAT do you get to write now, Ai-chan? *fangirl giggle*

Quote from: Madoushi_Clef on March 17, 2006, 02:26:27 AMYesh, my adopted big sisteh over there is a HUGE FuuFerio fan. ^_^ Suzanami might be interested to know that Ai-chan is doing FuuFerio for 30_kisses. Her fics are very good. XD Go read them.

Ah, that's you, Ai!
I favorited it on FFnet. <3 So much love.

Quote from: Ai on March 17, 2006, 02:17:01 AMAnd don't worry, Suzunami. xD I am so completely overprotective over Fuu.

*grabby hands* Mine! <3
. . . I suppose if I have to share her with Ferio, I can share her with you, Ai. X3;
• le tumblr —> mainfandomdrawings

Quote from: Madoushi_Clef on March 17, 2006, 02:26:27 AM
-tackleglomps Ai-chan- Seeee Milieva... I'm being a good recruiter.? :P

Yesh, my adopted big sisteh over there is a HUGE FuuFerio fan. ^_^ Suzanami might be interested to know that Ai-chan is doing FuuFerio for 30_kisses. Her fics are very good. XD Go read them.

She also likes Asmi better than Clemi... but I still <33333 her. But I still took advantage of the request a fic form that she put up on her profile... So WHAT do you get to write now, Ai-chan? *fangirl giggle*

-tackleglomped, huggles- ^^-

Yeah, Yeah, she's being an awesome recruiter. ^^ I'm still never going to forgive her for forcing me to write Clemi, though.

Sorry, Rae-chan. D: You might have to wait a while for the Clemi fanfic. I've got a Joshua/Azmaria to write before I get to yours, AND poor Ascot's hard drive crashed. >>; <<; Yes. I named my laptop ASCOT. What of it?

Suzunami - I saw your review, and it made me REALLY happy. ^^ Thank you! <3 I'm glad to know that I'm getting the two in character so far, and I reeeeally hope to have a few more up soon. ^^ Like I said before, my laptop's hard drive recently crashed, so we're awaiting a new hard drive for poor Ascot. ._.; I might just write some more 30 Kisses themes on my mom's computer out of sheer desperation. xD!
I'm that girl who changes her avatar a little too often. x3 And proud.

current avatar made by umi_mizuno @ LJ <3

QuoteTell me about it. XD I still have to write that Clemi request for Lil' Sisseh over yonder. -glares at Rae-chan- You. I am going to get you back one of these days for making me write Clemi. Even though I half-like that pairing ..

QuoteI'm still never going to forgive her for forcing me to write Clemi, though.

-smiles innocently- Hey, stop complaining. I still have to get out of the stomach of that Asmi plotbunny I was telling you about before...


-panics- I sooo did not admit that out loud! AHH! I was NOT eaten by a gigantic Asmi plotbunny! I was NOT! NOT ME! I SWEAR! -flails-

Quote from: suzanami on March 17, 2006, 02:41:25 AM*grabby hands* Mine! <3
. . . I suppose if I have to share her with Ferio, I can share her with you, Ai. X3;

Buwahaha. x3 On the forums, I completely spazzed at someone who said Fuu wasn't a realistic character. xD And I had so much fun doing it, too. <3

Yay! I get to share Fuu-chan! <3 With Suzunami and Ferio-kun! ^^-

Oh yeah, completely off-topic .. Could I friend you over Livejournal? =D

Quote from: Madoushi_Clef-panics- I sooo did not admit that out loud! AHH! I was NOT eaten by a gigantic Asmi plotbunny! I was NOT! NOT ME! I SWEAR! -flails-

WE SHALL CONVERT YOU TO ASMI YET! -laughs evily- Muwahahaha. x3 <3
I'm that girl who changes her avatar a little too often. x3 And proud.

current avatar made by umi_mizuno @ LJ <3

I am an Ascot/Umi fan.

I also like Geo/Zazu

And other genral canon parings.
"Sell your cleverness and buy bewilderment" -Rumi