2017 Rewatch Thread List

Started by Milieva, March 31, 2017, 10:36:00 PM

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March 31, 2017, 10:36:00 PM Last Edit: April 07, 2017, 12:30:48 PM by Milieva
A list of all the threads as posts will change the order from time to time.


Week  1:  Episodes 1-4
Week  2:  Episodes 5-8

I'm so sad I missed the rewatch last year! :'(
Let me know if you're planning a new rewatch soon. I'll try to follow the schedule next time  ;)

Quote from: Ithil on November 24, 2018, 06:49:35 PM
I'm so sad I missed the rewatch last year! :'(
Let me know if you're planning a new rewatch soon. I'll try to follow the schedule next time  ;)

I'm sure we'll do one at some point - Mils and I were thinking of, at some point, doing a rewatch where we do a post with our commentary for each episode, and people can respond/add their own commentary onto the post, which would be easier to come back and join in the discussion later on. But we've only just started thinking about it! It would hopefully have fewer time-slot issues though as people could watch and add to the commentary when they are able to.