someone talk me out of this terrible fic idea

Started by suzanami, June 22, 2015, 06:29:42 AM

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okay so it's a one-shot.  maybe a long one-shot, but not some huge fic or anything.

yeah so okay, so...

Fuu dies.

angst ensues.

in time, Ferio and Umi, through consoling each other,  ~*~ come together ~*~

I dunno, I think I'm overdue for unnecessary angst, as well as unnecessary crackfic.  why not roll them together?  except for the fact that I don't know if I could really handle the fallout stuff without it being melodramatic and stupid.  but I long to do major character death and I long to write Umi/Ferio (umio? oh wow).   

anyway this plot bunny has been percolating for a few months now.  it's not just the late hour that makes me post this terrible fckn idea.

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I liiiiike it!!!

I once read a fic where Hikaru is stalked and killed (on Earth, I don't think they go back to cephiro in this one) and it was so goooooooooooooood. Like, it's awful, but there can't be anything more dramatic than killing your fave? Also characters coping in a 99% chance of ending up in a dysfunctional relationship? XD


you're supposed to tell me this is a terrible idea though.

I actually really like fics that have major character death and deal with the fallout and stuff.  it's a really nice change of pace, puts characters in different situations, and I love me some occasional dysfunctional relationship stuff.  I just don't know if I can do it justice without making it completely trite. 

I'M NOT KILLING FUU JUST TO BE EDGY THO?  I said here "I?m very open to him with Umi if the whole Fuu thing is handled with care (I might have a horrible fic in mind actually)."  I was thinking of fics where people break up canon couples very badly in order to justify their noncanon ship.  that usually involves the character "in the way" going OOC and having affairs and slutting it up, but also sometimes killing off the character that's "in the way".  and I kind of wanted to try and do it in a way that's not actually shitting on that character, but making it about her instead.  because the way you too often see this trope done, it'd be like Ferio and Umi totally got over Fuu one they start hooking up and dammit I want to write angsty smut.

...also in my Fuu/Umi/Ferio verse I have Umi still undecided about Clef vs Ascot and I think I'd do the same here, because that'd be a gross disservice to Umi too, making her a cheat.  also then I don't have to pick one or the other as I tend to be apathetic about Umi's love life XD

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Quote from: suzanami on June 22, 2015, 05:02:24 PM
and I kind of wanted to try and do it in a way that's not actually shitting on that character, but making it about her instead.  because the way you too often see this trope done, it'd be like Ferio and Umi totally got over Fuu one they start hooking up and dammit I want to write angsty smut.

...also in my Fuu/Umi/Ferio verse I have Umi still undecided about Clef vs Ascot and I think I'd do the same here, because that'd be a gross disservice to Umi too, making her a cheat.  also then I don't have to pick one or the other as I tend to be apathetic about Umi's love life XD


I'LL BETA FOR YOU you know I love me some angsty smut

...I'd read itttt

(We are terrible at talking people out of stuff. We have no shame and want to read ALL THE FIC but our fandom is tiny so we have to write the terrible ideas ourselves??)

( I might totally have a few paragraphs of um 'the knights never can get back to cephiro and ascot and clef become a thing for consoling reasons' fic. Maybe. Possibly.) (ANGST CAN BE FUN???)

Quote from: suzanami on June 22, 2015, 05:02:24 PM
and I kind of wanted to try and do it in a way that's not actually shitting on that character, but making it about her instead.  because the way you too often see this trope done, it'd be like Ferio and Umi totally got over Fuu one they start hooking up and dammit I want to write angsty smut.

This comes across like a really good way to do it, and doesn't come across as 'OW, THE EDGE' at all, but a really tasteful way to do it.

You write that angsty smut, we'll still be here when you're done.
Should have wished for unicorns.

Umi trying to be quiet during the sad hooking up so Ferio can forget it's Umi and just pretend it's Fuu  (」゜ロ゜)」   

I really really want to set aside my Cephiran religious sects for a while and write thissss
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I want to read this......

Yep.... not talking you out of it. I suck, sorry!