'What if' prompt for MKR week 2016

Started by VKiera, May 04, 2016, 12:50:57 AM

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So, I think I've decided what I want to do for MKR weeks coming up this summer and I feel the need to spit it all out and get some feedback if possible.

I want to do three separate 'what if' excerpts from a fic I want to write after I finish Ice and Snow that takes place after season one, with at the end Princess Emeraude being unable to complete the spell to send the knights home before she dies. She ends up partially casting it, so the knights end up separated, on different worlds, suffering from grief/regret (and prolly some serious PTSD) and without their families or the other knights to help them out. They have to pull themselves back together, find the will to fight once more and somehow make it back to Cephiro and into 'season 2' so to speak. All the while in foreign countries, that may or may not be deciding to invade and turn hostile. Hohoho.

So far I have Umi ending up in Autozam, eventually ending up on the floor of the Autozam senate giving them the worst tongue lashing ever for their B.S I think. Plus the amount of simi apocalyptic, cyberpunk ideas I have for Atuozam will be so much fun.

Hikaru I think, will actually never make it out of Cephiro, she's there, to watch the whole world come tumbling down. I thought about sending her to Chizeta but the amount of anxiety I could pour fuel on with her staying in Cephiro proved too delicious to pass up, plus...I just could think of nothing interesting that she could have happen to her in Chizeta??? Ideas???Anyone??

and Fuu is the one giving me the most trouble, I thought at first of her ending up in Farhen, but then that would leave out a country (Chizeta) and Fuu would be interacting with the same nation she did in the anime (instead of mixing things up, with who interacted with who, which was my original intent.) I did also entertain the thought of either her or Umi ending up visiting two nations on their way back to Cephiro, but idk. Thoughts? Any ideas? comments?

Legend says when you can't sleep,
it's because you're awake in someone else's dream.
So that's why I can never sleep properly...
Who the bloody hell is dreaming about me because so help me God,
I will smother them in the face with a throw pillow.

It sounds like you have a pretty good idea what you want to do for Umi and Hikaru, so let's talk about Fuu. You want to change things up, so yes, sending her to Chizeta is one option. You could also do something like make her the only one who makes it back to Earth or send her back in time. But, for now, let's go with the 'Fuu ends up in Chizeta' idea.

When I'm plotting, it helps me to establish the facts. So, you've got Fuu showing up in Chizeta. She doesn't have Hikaru or Umi with her, and she's most likely still an emotional wreck over what just happened in Cephiro. Now, she doesn't have a clue where she is or how she got there (though it might take her a moment to realize this because, you know, emotional wreck). Eventually, I assume you want her to reunite with Umi and Hikaru. The most plot convenient way of doing this would probably be getting onboard the Bravada. Questions to answer: What part of Chizeta does she suddenly appear in? How does she find out where she is? How does she end up on the Bravada? Figure out the answers to questions like these, and a lot of times, you find the plots writing themselves.

Hope that helps.
If your headcanon for Ascot's backstory doesn't make me want to cry, I probably won't believe it.

Now you have me thinking that I should have Fuu try to infiltrate the royal Chizetan court somehow, how I do not know, haha she'd stick out like a sore thumb and I don't think she'd be any more thrilled than Umi to be wearing a skimpy outfit, haha
Legend says when you can't sleep,
it's because you're awake in someone else's dream.
So that's why I can never sleep properly...
Who the bloody hell is dreaming about me because so help me God,
I will smother them in the face with a throw pillow.

Have her claim to be an ambassador from another country or pose as somebody else's foreign servant, perhaps?
If your headcanon for Ascot's backstory doesn't make me want to cry, I probably won't believe it.