Umi x Clef - general discussion/appreciation/flail

Started by Milieva, July 26, 2015, 11:09:44 PM

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Umi x Clef flail/spam/appreciation thread!

all your feels, be they long-winded essays or just flailing shrieks, go here!  spam away!

Ship Apprecitation Thread Guidelines:

  • Keep content here PG-13. Feel free to leave any filth in Rarabai. You can link to higher-rated stuff, just mark it as such.
  • This is a feel-good thread. If you don't personally ship it you can still post here as long as what you have to say is positive (or at the very least neutral) towards the ship.

I reaslised that there was no thread for the OTP that introduced me to my wife.

I've been gone for a long time from this fandom and board but I still occasionally check up on it...imagine my chargain when I see ZERO discussion in this thread (maybe it's because we've discussed it to death in the it?!?!). WHERE ARE YOU GUYS?

But any who. The main reason I came back on is to share this beautiful image I stumbled upon today. *squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee*

URL & source is here for you tumblr peeps.

THAT ARTIST IS KILLING IT and spoiling the entire MKR fandom lately.  I absolutely love the aesthetic of Umi/Clef in the OVA.  even before I made friends with you all and am now much less huffy about the idea of Umi/Clef (I don't ship it per se, but I no longer mind it at all!) I used to still like them in the OVA :>

unfff that Clef though......
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October 19, 2016, 04:57:58 AM #3 Last Edit: October 19, 2016, 03:49:28 PM by Milieva
I have to revive this topic... LOL

Clef x Umi forever!!
Can't you just love their pairing???

[Milieve: Edited to add credit :]
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I keep forgetting that I haven't comment on this thread. I wanted others to start. I know Down hasn't posted here because it would become a novel, or rather that it has become a novel in the form of Protecting You.

I must say, I was a bit squicked by this pairing at first. I mean... I did kind of see it when I watched the series.  But given I watched the series in such a strange order because of which VHS tapes my friends had at the time, I was caught more than a little off-guard by the set up of Umi with Clef. I could see the whole thing with Ascot later.  And then even the bit where she might also make a nice match with Tarta, after discussion with Down. But I must say that this is my ship. I adore them.

I like the dynamic. Either as friends or romantically, I feel they are soulmates. Strong personalities that bring out the best in each other. 

I can do words and all, but not usually to describe why I like a thing.  All I know it that I do. 

I do know that if it weren't for this ship, I wouldn't be living the life I am now, and that is a pretty big statement to make about an OTP. A ship I have adored for many years, and probably will for years to come.

OK, I've been obsessed with Rayearth for maaany years so far and I joined this fandom about a year and a half ago (if I remember well), so it's time I say something about this apparently very popular pairing. I've never, I mean, never thought about UmixClef as a possible canon pairing. Strange, isn't it? I mean, the first time I read the manga, I immediately - and totally - shipped Umi and Ascot. I still do, actually. I just didn't like the way the anime of MKR 2 has dealt with that, while suggesting a possible romantic relationship between Umi and Clef. I still find that quite disappointing, but that's just my humble opinion - I don't want to start a fight! ;D Two or three years ago, when I discovered the world of, I was really surprised to find out how many people support the pairing UmixClef! I was like: what?! I would never ship them!
Maybe, that's because I literally adore the idea of Ascot falling in love with Umi and vice versa, and the lovely scenes in the manga where these two characters are alone and share something together are so cute. They're maybe sharing just a few fragments of time; just a little conversation; just a few looks at each other. But I just loved that. I fell in love with them  :D
There is a hint of a possible romantic involvement between Umi and Clef in the manga as well, but that's a possibility that has never attracted me. I don't fell anything about them being together as lovers.
I must admit that this opinion of mine has changed a bit when I watched the OVA, but the reason is quite simple: Clef is gorgeous in the OVA! ;D

Quote from: Ithil on October 19, 2016, 07:23:35 PM
Clef is gorgeous in the OVA! ;D


I mean, seriously!  Those eyes! That hair!  The GRIFFIN!!! 

So brooding, and mysterious, but so polite! I adore OVA Clef!

Oh my I like the original Clef better than the OVA.. I mean Clef looks more hotter on the original LOL (I think its just me who thinks that way) but what i like about Clef OVA version is his height seriously LOL... How i wish that CLAMP made Clef the same height as Ferio, not so tall but just right for Umi..  :D Oh how i love those two paired together. I do respect your opinion Ithil because what you felt about Clef x Umi pairing is almost like the same on what i feel about Ascot x Umi pairing LOL...

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@Ithil  I was browsing through the GeoCities and Tripod fansites enough that I heard of the U/C ship very early on, before I even finished watching season one.  then I found in 2001, I believe, and the Umi shipping fics were fairly 50/50 on the two pairings iirc.  I never really "understood" how they even work as a couple because the anime showed they had feelings but didn't show a lot of what their relationship would be like, how their chemistry is.  but the U/C fans from this forum explained it to me and now I definitely see it developing into something that works.

I think the fandom leans a bit more towards Ascot these days because people are more funny about the age difference but.....  idk I'm sorry, Ferio's gotta be hundreds of years old too and no one has a problem with him and Fuu.
slight tangent to make a point -- Ferio and Emeraude knew each other before she became Pillar.  Emeraude is over 500.  we don't know if she's been Pillar for centuries or only a short time.  regardless, Ferio's been around that whole time.  so unless he was born when Emeraude was already over 500 years old and she became Pillar VERY recently...  yeah, the age thing in the couples goes out the window.  this is why I assume Cephirans have much longer lifespans (though Clef is quite old even for a Cephiran IMHO haha)

Umi was forced to mature well beyond her years because of being a Magic Knight.  her romantic development still has catching up to do, of course.  but Umi had to grow up when she was 14 and 15.  she had to deal with things that most human beings never face.  she's not like other teenagers.  so her emotional age can't be compared to the average teenage girl. . . . that said, most people do seem to ship her with Clef "down the road", as something that develops in time.  because Clef does have an old fucking soul XD  and I personally think that for a long time he's a little squicked about having feelings for 1) one of the Knights and 2) a young woman.  but that works itself out in time.

...... and honestly, if we're doing the age thing, Ascot is way too young for her, so she's screwed either way.

poor Umi, why did CLAMP do this to you.
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@Milieva: EXACTLY! Eyes, hair, face, style, everything - Clef is so COOL and AWESOME in the OVA! I can really ship Clef and Umi in the OVA  :D

@Eizme: ahahah, your're right: the original Clef is too short  ;D In the OVA, he's definitely more handsome and charming. I had a crush on him when I was a child - actually, he was my third MKR crush: Ferio was the first (of course!), Eagle was the second, and then Clef in the OVA! Now I think Zagato could be the fourth one, I like him more than Lantis  ;)

@Suzanami: I completely agree with you: Umi (as the other two girls) was forced to grow up too early compared to normal teenagers. As regards age difference, I guess that's not so important in MKR universe - just because time in Cephiro is different from time in our world. You can't compare the passing of time in two different worlds, I guess. I think Cephirans have much longer lifespans too (like the Elves? ;D), so I don't know how much it makes sense to complain about the age difference between Umi and Clef, or Fuu and Ferio. Ascot is younger than Umi, but I think he's shown how much he can change and mature quickly thanks to the experiences he has lived in season 1; thanks to the knights, of course, and Umi in particular. He was a child, now he's a boy. After what happened in MKR 2, I'm sure he's going to turn into a man  :)

Is everyone is Cephiro immortal? i mean even the villagers? Immortal in the means that they don't die of an old age? If that so, then Cephiro will get over populated.. well just my random thoughts. or maybe the not aging thing is just for the mage or someone who can do magic... another speculation from me... LOL

So back to the topic about Umi/Clef, some may really find it hard to imagine those two together specially on season 1 since their relationship was like a student - mentor thing or cat - dog thing on the 1st episode (which is quite cute). Not even a single hint that those two were going to be an item. I was too surprised on some of season 2 episodes where Clef and Umi did show concern for each other. who would have thought really that Umi would actually have a thing on Clef. Obviously she does have a thing for Clef she just couldn't admit it and i was like (Come on Umi just say you like him!!!) I was really unsatisfied with their story i think it was quite unfair for Umi because she was the only one left without a lover.  :'(

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Quote from: Eizme on October 21, 2016, 01:51:27 PM
Is everyone is Cephiro immortal? i mean even the villagers? Immortal in the means that they don't die of an old age? If that so, then Cephiro will get over populated.. well just my random thoughts. or maybe the not aging thing is just for the mage or someone who can do magic... another speculation from me... LOL

So back to the topic about Umi/Clef, some may really find it hard to imagine those two together specially on season 1 since their relationship was like a student - mentor thing or cat - dog thing on the 1st episode (which is quite cute). Not even a single hint that those two were going to be an item. I was too surprised on some of season 2 episodes where Clef and Umi did show concern for each other. who would have thought really that Umi would actually have a thing on Clef. Obviously she does have a thing for Clef she just couldn't admit it and i was like (Come on Umi just say you like him!!!) I was really unsatisfied with their story i think it was quite unfair for Umi because she was the only one left without a lover.  :'(

To the immortal thing, I think it depends on the will of the people to live? Mages or anyone with ranks are Cephirians who have a much stronger grip on their will and has much more power to wield it.

AND I ACTUALLY AGREE ON THE UNSATISFYING PART. But, hey, this actually showed how mature Umi's become and how she could wait till the more perfect time to tell him. This just broadens the boundaries of how slow, but sure their bond will be. At least in my point of view.

other than that. Hi. I've been a shipper of the two since 2004.