
Off-Topic => Yami no Yume => Topic started by: Milieva on March 15, 2006, 04:24:00 AM

Title: Introductions
Post by: Milieva on March 15, 2006, 04:24:00 AM
Milieva here with the openining of the Rayearth forum Cephiro.

I am the Admin here and whould like to know more about those members that are joining.  Please introduce yourselves.

I have been a fan of rayearth for the past six years and write fanfiction over at Fanfiction.net under the same pen name. I've been a member of FFN for about as long as I have been a fan of the series. I was there when it was only 25 fic and only five were any good. ^_^
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Rogue on March 15, 2006, 06:10:38 AM
I'm Rogue.  I joined through a link Milieva posted on another forum we both visit.

I've been a CLAMP fan for just over 4 years now.  I started with X/1999 and then I started watching Chobits.  About 3 years ago, I borrowed the first season of Magic Knight Rayearth and was hooked.  I finished it and asked my friend if I could borrow the second season.  I've been a fan ever since.  I started saving my money and picked up the OVA and then started to buy the TV series.

All that's left for me to do is read the manga, which will be my next endeavor after reading xxxHOLiC and Card Captor Sakura (which I watched and liked).
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Milieva on March 15, 2006, 06:34:01 AM
I think most Rayearth fans have some sort of a CLAMP obsession.  I want anything I can find by them, but I hate Tokyo Pop's translations. I own 1-7 of Chobits in Jap., 1-6 of CardCaptor Sakura in Bilingual, Tokyo Pop versions of the entire series of Suki Dakara Suki (Suki), The One I Love, Wish, Magic Knight Rayearth.  I also have 1-5 of the US xXx Holic, and 1-3 of Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle.  Vol 1 RG Veda in Jap.  and Shinshun Kaden. 

Where Rayearth is concerned I have almost anything I can get my hands on.  I have all the DVD's. Most of the CD's and about half of the artbooks.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: suzanami on March 15, 2006, 03:17:53 PM
I blame one Justin Austin for my MKR obsession. He was in my Basic Art class sophomore year in high school and we chatted a lot. He liked Tenchi Muyo!, too, and we both drew anime. He loaned me the first volume of the MKR manga (and showed me the gorgeous copy he'd drawn of Hikaru recieving her fire magic *-*) and I was instantly hooked. Line, sinker and all. I got on the Internet and looked it up and went out the very next day to Suncoast to buy the first VHS. I saw through the entire series in a few months and then eventually read the rest of the manga.

Holy cow, it's been over five years. And though I've taken time the past couple years (since I graduated in '03, really) on other fandoms, I recently crashed HARD back into MKR. (I blame the fact that I've been working on my Fuu/Ferio shrine for its fifth birthday) Heck, I'd still be at this forum if I hadn't, but now I kinda picked up back where I left off in high school: MKR = <3 omgomgomgggg lawl.

I am ob. sessed. with Hououji Fuu in every way... except sexually, I suppose. o_o;
She's the most beautiful girl in all of anime/manga, and possibly the most beautiful character ever. I'm only extremely biased. :x I think I've drawn her more times than both my persona characters combined. Like, hundreds of times in five years.
Fuu/Ferio is my OTP to end all OTPs. Has been for years. I think it always will be. Ferio is my prince. Fuu is my hero. Umi is a goddess. And the Autozam crew needs to come to my place and have a candy party. <3

Ohman... I think there were 98 MKR fics when I started at FFnet. I get so nostalgic.

And I think Cephiro is THE name for the general MKR fandom gathering. Not original... but it just HAS to be the name. :D
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Madoushi_Clef on March 16, 2006, 03:16:40 AM
It makes me grin to see how long some of you have loved MKR. I've noticed that a lot of the current fans of Rayearth are ones that have been around for a very long time... Rayearth seems to inspire a lot of, I don't know, loyalty. ^_^ It's just so AWESOME!

Especially compared to you guys, I'm a new fan. I've been a fan of it for probably... just under a year. Sadly, I was introduced to MKR when I was searching for manga that had a rating low enough for my younger brother to read them. T_T

I was completely obsessed after reading through the first volume once. XD

And don't you guys get all nostalgic on me! At least you were around then!! Five/six years ago... I was around... *counts* 8/9 years old? Eckk.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Milieva on March 16, 2006, 03:20:26 AM
But Clef, it is new fans like you that keep the fandom alive. Even if it is fans like you that make fans like us feel old. ^_^ 

And props for being first to join.  Took you a while to post, though. :P
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Madoushi_Clef on March 16, 2006, 03:44:51 AM
Do I really make you feel old? Now I feel special. ^_^

Well, HEY. I was busy working on my ten page research report that's due tommorow. *pout* And my LA paper, also due tommorow... and we can't forget the big!important!test on the branches of the government...
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: syvonair on March 16, 2006, 04:52:38 AM
Hey all! I'm Syv, pleased to meet you all! Oooh!! Wonderful Rayearth fans!!!! :D

Haha, anyway, what's my story? Well... when I was a kid, I used to watch all these cartoons and had no idea at all they were anime! Among my favorites, well, I used to watch Sailormoon, MKR, Daimos, Voltes V and all those other "old" cartoons. I only found out what anime was when I was like in... Grade 3 or 4? I had this seatmate who was a total anime fan and after talking with her sometimes during class, I was introduced to anime. My first anime obsession ever was Fushigi Yuugi, then I started checking out more anime. I became hooked on MKR again like.... I don't know, 4 years ago? Haha, doesn't matter when. Point is, I LOVE MKR!!! And all CLAMP works actually. I've watched the entire series of CCS which I borrowed from my friend. I've watched some eps of Chobits and Angelic Layer. I'm trying to collect manga now and I have... up to Vol. 4 of Tsubasa, Vol. 1 of Chobits, xxxHolic and Tokyo Babylon. Heehee, you know, I don't even like yaoi/yuri and I bought Tokyo Babylon not knowing it was yaoi just 'coz it's CLAMP. :P

Anyway, my fave pairing is HIKARU AND LANTIS!!!!! They are SOOOOOO meant to be together!!!! :P Haha, and my fave character is Hikaru! I don't know why but my fave characters are usually the main characters like Sakura from CCS, Miaka from Fushigi Yuugi.... I think it's 'coz they all have that sort of childlike quality to them. :P Whatever the case, I like Hikaru and that's that. :P

And I realize my intro is getting long......... Heehee. Hope to see you all then!

Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Milieva on March 16, 2006, 06:44:01 AM
*is happy with turn out*  6 members in less than 48 hours is a good turn out in my book.   Please invite your frineds and make this forum active enough that others will want to join it. ^_^

Welcome to the forum.  We are not a large enough organization to offer refreshments, but please feel free to visit the cafeteria down the hall.  ^_^ Tell them we sent you.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: sciathan_file on March 16, 2006, 06:58:14 AM
I am sciathan_file and Rayearth was the first anime I ever watched...but I really ony became interested in fandom last year.  I write fanfiction occasionally, mostly Clemi or character introspectives, or weird fics focused on small supporting characters (go to my livejournal at the same name if you like).  I do agree that most Rayearth fans are also Clamp fans...I am currently obsessed with xxxHolic, I've always loved Cardcaptor Sakura, I really don't like Chobits..., I also read Tsubasa, although I am beginning to wish there was more plot to it.  That is all I can think of at the moment...
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Ai on March 17, 2006, 03:32:45 AM
Well, hey there! =D I am Ai, and as you can probably tell from the little notice up there, I'm new. xD I am the Adoptive Older Sisseh of Lil' miss Madoushi_Clef, who I will often call Rae-chan just because, and I am also quite new to the fandom. =D Yup. Compared to all of ya'll on the forum who've been obsessed for years, I'm quite the newbie.

Anyway, I became interested in Rayearth when a friend of mine enlisted me into her Cosplay group. I shall be Cosplaying as Fuu Hououji for METROCON this coming June, right here in Tampa, Florida. <3 Actually, I'm from Ocala, but Tampa is close enough. And METROCON .. is comepletely awesome. ^^

Since my recent obsession, I've read the entire manga series of Rayearth, and I've seen and own every episode of the television series. I have yet to see the OAV, but from what I hear of it, It shall be an event to remember. ^^

I write Rayearth fanfiction, and my main OTP is Ferio/Fuu. <3 Long Live Ferio/Fuu!

... Allrighty, I do believe I'm finished with my introduction! ^^
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Toviyah on March 21, 2006, 06:04:39 PM
I have been a rayearth fan for a little while now, maybe a year or more.  I don't get to use the computer much.  I found this forum through Milieva.  (I promise to be good this time, don't ban me)

My favorite Clamp series is Wish.  Has any one noticed that in the movie Constantine, that Gabriel looks like Kohaku?
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Milieva on March 21, 2006, 09:19:48 PM
Toby, don't upset members this time and I won't ban you. 

One another note: we now have 10 Members.  If anyone can kidnap and black mail invite some new members, maybe this forum can gain even more life.  Thank you all for joining, I enjoy talking to you all.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: suzanami on March 21, 2006, 09:46:46 PM
Quote from: Milieva on March 21, 2006, 09:19:48 PMOne another note: we now have 10 Members.  If anyone can kidnap and black mail invite some new members, maybe this forum can gain even more life.  Thank you all for joining, I enjoy talking to you all.

I've told my sister many times that she needs to come. She'd be a joy to have on the board, too, but she claims that school takes up her every breath. BAH. I'll hassle her more tonight. ^_^
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Milieva on March 22, 2006, 04:48:22 AM
I'm doing the same to some friends of mine.  If I twist hard enough ask nicely again they might join.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Okana no Ki on March 22, 2006, 05:04:09 AM
Hi!  I Love Rayearth too, but not quite obsessed like some ^_^;  I've only ever been able to see the dubbed VHS version, but Milieva is, what word shall I use, gently screaming at me to get the DVDs.  lol

I joined the forum more cause she asked me to and we're friends from elsewhere ^_^  So, I'm looking forward to enlightenment on all topics relating to Rayearth!
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Aiko-chan on March 22, 2006, 10:47:30 PM
Hello there! I'm suzanami's sister who finally dragged herself on over here.

Rayearth has a special place in my heart. And it was the first series I actually saw in full! I've discovered along the way that I do like some anime better than the MKR anime, but Rayearth in and of itself is probably still my favorite. (If that makes any sense.)

I've never been part of a group of MKR fans before, so I'm really looking forward to participating in that here. Nice to meet you all!
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: sciathan_file on March 23, 2006, 12:58:01 AM
Welcome!  ^_^
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Madoushi_Clef on March 23, 2006, 02:53:22 AM
QuoteIf anyone can kidnap and black mail invite some new members, maybe this forum can gain even more life.
I'd love to get my brother on here, but he's more into computer GAMES, not forums and such. *sighs*

And to the new-er members: WELCOME! I'll muchly enjoy talking to you all!

Do you support Clef/Umi or Ascot/Umi? You get to live if you say Clef/Umi. Hehe, just kidding. One of my best-est-est Rayearth friends is an Asmi lover.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: suzanami on March 23, 2006, 02:56:25 AM
Quote from: Madoushi_Clef on March 23, 2006, 02:53:22 AMDo you support Clef/Umi or Ascot/Umi? You get to live if you say Clef/Umi.

I love how this is a hot topic in the community. XDD Cause we don't have many.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Madoushi_Clef on March 23, 2006, 03:03:49 AM
QuoteI love how this is a hot topic in the community. XDD Cause we don't have many.

As far as I can tell, it's been a hot topic in the fandom in general. ^_^ I'm debating whether to start a thread dedicated to just that debate. People explaining why they do/don't like each of the pairings... I'm interested in hearing other people's opinions on it. but that's just me...

(is this getting too off topic?)
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: suzanami on March 23, 2006, 03:05:33 AM
Quote from: Madoushi_Clef on March 23, 2006, 03:03:49 AM
As far as I can tell, it's been a hot topic in the fandom in general. ^_^ I'm debating whether to start a thread dedicated to just that debate. People explaining why they do/don't like each of the pairings... I'm interested in hearing other people's opinions on it. but that's just me...

(is this getting too off topic?)

I think that'd be a great thread, but maybe wait a little longer, till there's a little more activity.

And yeah... it is. We better stop. :B

Yeah. Now it's on topic. *shuts up*
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Madoushi_Clef on March 23, 2006, 03:17:43 AM
QuoteI think that'd be a great thread, but maybe wait a little longer, till there's a little more activity.

Woot! Yay, she likes the idea! Mmhmm... that's what I was thinking.

*coughs nervously*

And, um, everyone here can call me Rae, or Rae-chan, or whatever. When you call me Clef, it makes me feel... really odd. T_T I'm know as Rae/Raeven most places anyway.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Milieva on March 23, 2006, 04:49:31 AM
Quote from: Madoushi_Clef on March 23, 2006, 03:17:43 AM
And, um, everyone here can call me Rae, or Rae-chan, or whatever. When you call me Clef, it makes me feel... really odd. T_T I'm know as Rae/Raeven most places anyway.

Well, we might not call you Clef if your screenname wasn't Madoushi Clef.  :P   Just so we can continue the reign of confusion. You lot are free to call me, Morigan, Tama,  Adrianna, or  just plain Adri.  ^_^

Welcome to our new members, we are terribly glad to have you.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: suzanami on March 23, 2006, 04:51:11 AM
We could call you... MC.



Or Rae-chan.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Milieva on March 23, 2006, 04:56:16 AM
I call her Rea-chan half the time. 

And a note to the new members, If you have any questions, the first few members not rogue can answer any of your questions, or at least most of them.

It's only a little off topic now...  Hey! Don't look at me like that!
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Rogue on March 25, 2006, 06:06:52 AM
Quote from: Milieva on March 23, 2006, 04:56:16 AM
And a note to the new members, If you have any questions, the first few members not rogue can answer any of your questions, or at least most of them.

You know...I could get a little offended by that little remark since I stand as a minority on this forum (probably by myself for all I know).  Then again, someone has to not answer questions. XD
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Milieva on March 25, 2006, 07:02:46 AM
Quote from: Rogue on March 25, 2006, 06:06:52 AM
Quote from: Milieva on March 23, 2006, 04:56:16 AM
And a note to the new members, If you have any questions, the first few members not rogue can answer any of your questions, or at least most of them.

You know...I could get a little offended by that little remark since I stand as a minority on this forum (probably by myself for all I know).? Then again, someone has to not answer questions. XD

I merely meant it in the fact that we know more than we should.  ^_^   I didn't mean it as an insult.  I meant to put "maybe not rogue", anyway.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Rogue on March 26, 2006, 05:32:37 AM
Quote from: Milieva on March 25, 2006, 07:02:46 AM
Quote from: Rogue on March 25, 2006, 06:06:52 AM
Quote from: Milieva on March 23, 2006, 04:56:16 AM
And a note to the new members, If you have any questions, the first few members not rogue can answer any of your questions, or at least most of them.

You know...I could get a little offended by that little remark since I stand as a minority on this forum (probably by myself for all I know).  Then again, someone has to not answer questions. XD

I merely meant it in the fact that we know more than we should. ^_^ I didn't mean it as an insult. I meant to put "maybe not rogue", anyway.

Ahh, understood.  I do know some stuff, probably not as much as you ladies. :)
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: MasterMage_Clef on March 29, 2006, 07:01:01 AM
Hi, my name's Emiko and I'm new here! I'm 16 years old, and I live in the United States. I'm in love with Rayearth, but I'm more in love with Clef. ^__^ I think he's so cute!! I also pair up a couple of characters. I like, ClefxUmi, ClefxHikaru, ClefxFerio, FerioxFuu, HikaruxLantis, UmixAscot, and I also like, HikaruxEagel. I think Hikaru and Lantis go better together, but that's just me.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Ai on March 29, 2006, 07:11:13 AM
Quote from: MasterMage on March 29, 2006, 07:01:01 AM
Hi, my name's Emiko and I'm new here! I'm 16 years old, and I live in the United States. I'm in love with Rayearth, but I'm more in love with Clef. ^__^ I think he's so cute!! I also pair up a couple of characters. I like, ClefxUmi, ClefxHikaru, ClefxFerio, FerioxFuu, HikaruxLantis, UmixAscot, and I also like, HikaruxEagel. I think Hikaru and Lantis go better together, but that's just me.

Heeey~! Welcome to the Support Group forum! I'm Ai .. you can call me Ai. xD

You love Clef, eh? Well .. in that case, you're probably going to be in constant competition with my little sisseh, Who is known as Madoushi_Clef. I call her Rae-chan, though. She's the biggest Clef fan I know, but I'unno. xD You might give her a run for her money. Meh. We'll see. :3

It's nice to see new people on the forum! =D
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: sciathan_file on March 29, 2006, 07:15:05 AM

Yeah!? Another Clef fan!? As Ai said, there are a lot of rabid Clef fans here (myself included), and big fans of the other major pairings you have as well.

More Rayearth fans ^^? *happiness*

I'm Sciathan File, but I think Milieva has pretty much re-named me Sci... ^_^

Enjoy the insanity!
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Milieva on March 29, 2006, 07:19:07 AM
Welcome, MasterMage.  Sorry about the name thing. I hope you understand.  We are so happy to have new members.  Even if this forum is under a month old. 

Please post and have fun, but do pay attention to the forum sections before posting a new topic.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Madoushi_Clef on March 29, 2006, 01:49:59 PM
Excuse me while I wibble with excitement.

*wibbles with excitement*

Not only is she a rabid Clef fan, she also likes Clef/Umi. Those both give her major points in my book. ^_^

And besides all THAT, she's also using an icon that I made. *wibble*
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Raburetta on March 29, 2006, 04:47:29 PM
Hi, I am new, but you could have guessed that. ^^;;;

I've been a Rayearth fan for six years, and I've finally started a Journal-based RPG, because the lack of one made me sad.

I've been a CLAMP fan ever since I discovered their Out-of-print doujinshi. And I've been trying to buy it ever since.

My favorite character is Caldina. <3 I also like Alcyone and Emeraude. My favorite male is *Ponderponder* Eagle Vision. <3

I look forward to Oggling CLAMP's work with you all.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Ai on March 29, 2006, 05:44:57 PM
Welcome, Raburetta! We hope you find the forum enjoyable. :3 The people here are all awesome, so just make yourself at home! ^^
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Milieva on March 30, 2006, 06:16:03 AM
Welcome Raburetta.  I am happy to see you come over to the darkside.  We do need more people so feel free to drug and kidnap invite your frineds.

And Welcome to Eagle, who has yet to post. We know you exist.

And Syv!  Where are you?!!  We miss you.  *cries* 
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Madoushi_Clef on March 30, 2006, 01:12:57 PM
Hey Raburetta!

QuoteI am happy to see you come over to the darkside.

We have cookies Chocolate chip ones...

Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Eagle on March 31, 2006, 06:54:41 AM

*looks around*  I exist?... *ponders briefly*  Hmm, I suppose I do!

I meant to post whenever I made the account, but got sidetracked by a project... But better late than never, I suppose ? :)

I first got into Rayearth back on the Sega Saturn game (something I'd definately recommend playing, though I imagine it's hard to find by now).  I liked that well enough to go out and buy the first season of the anime (dubbed, bleh, what was I thinking), and then sat around waiting for the season 2 DVD's to be released, and bought those as soon as it came out.  After watching that, I became... I don't want to say fanatic, but I'm posting on a random MKR board, so I suppose that's a good a term as any  :P

So, I guess my favorite characters are Clef, Fuu, and, well, Eagle... and I don't favor any particular pairing... though Clef and Fuu?  Hmmm...

Can't think of anything else to mention off hand... so off to bed.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Ai on March 31, 2006, 05:01:20 PM
Quote from: Madoushi_Clef on March 30, 2006, 01:12:57 PM
Hey Raburetta!

QuoteI am happy to see you come over to the darkside.

We have cookies Chocolate chip ones...

We give them all to Suza, though. xD

Welcome to the board, Eagle! =D MKR is easy to become fanatical about, so I don't blame you for posting on a random MKR board. :3 Milieva once said that the forum is like a support group .. xD -still giggling- I don't think I'll ever get over my MKR Crack addiction, though ..

Closets, Puu-rrrn .. LET'S GET IT ON!

... >>; Don't mind my random expression of MKR crack. Hehe .. Welcome! ^^-
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Milieva on April 02, 2006, 07:00:15 PM
Quote from: Eagle on March 31, 2006, 06:54:41 AM
I'm posting on a random MKR board,

So how did you find this particular Rayearth board?  We're glad to have you.  Bring your friends. ^.~

Quote from: Ai on March 31, 2006, 05:01:20 PM
I don't think I'll ever get over my MKR Crack addiction, though ..
I doubt any of the rest of us shall, either.  We just pretend we don't have a problem.  (I actually did have minor withdawl symptoms when I went without for too long >.<)

Quote from: Ai on March 31, 2006, 05:01:20 PMClosets, Puu-rrrn .. LET'S GET IT ON!
*drags Umi off of Clef*  Beware. Puu-rn can be come a bad side effexct of the addiction, if you haven't already suffered from it.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Madoushi_Clef on April 02, 2006, 10:43:10 PM
QuoteWe give them all to Suza, though. xD

It's true! XDDD Though I should give you some cookies for writing Clemi... *runs off to that thread*

QuoteMilieva once said that the forum is like a support group .. xD -still giggling- I don't think I'll ever get over my MKR Crack addiction, though ..

The sad thing is; it's so true. *facepalm*

Quote(I actually did have minor withdawl symptoms when I went without for too long >.<)

*raises hand* Me too!

Quote*drags Umi off of Clef*

*ignores humping noises in the background*
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Eagle on April 04, 2006, 07:18:11 PM
Quote from: Milieva on April 02, 2006, 07:00:15 PM
So how did you find this particular Rayearth board?  We're glad to have you.  Bring your friends. ^.~

I found it from your post on the Rayeath Livejournal, and noticed it was actually fairly active, unlike most of the other ones I've stumbled accross over the years :)

Quote(I actually did have minor withdawl symptoms when I went without for too long >.<)

It's true!  I haven't had access to a lot of my stuff, since most of it is at home while I'm away at school :(   Fortunately, I at least have most of the music and this support group board to fend off the cravings.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: syvonair on April 17, 2006, 06:24:14 AM
I AM ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lols... okay, anyway, a big HI to all the new members!

For those who don't know me yet (which will probably be all the new people since I haven't really been on -____-), I am Syv. Feel free to call me, well, Syv. :P

Sorry I haven't really been visiting. I've been doing some stuff, and I honestly find it hard to stay active all the time in these forums and blah. How do YOU guys get to stay active so often anyway?

So, I see we've got a handful of new members! Enjoy the board! (And, if you can, try to keep me active :P) Haha, see you all around!

Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Madoushi_Clef on April 19, 2006, 11:36:57 AM
QuoteI AM ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Welcome back!

QuoteI've been doing some stuff, and I honestly find it hard to stay active all the time in these forums and blah. How do YOU guys get to stay active so often anyway?

Because we're so obsessed that it IS kind of funny?

Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Ai on April 19, 2006, 12:12:09 PM

QuoteI've been doing some stuff, and I honestly find it hard to stay active all the time in these forums and blah. How do YOU guys get to stay active so often anyway?

Because we're so obsessed that it IS kind of funny?

Because I have no life? xD; I don't know about the others, but I have no life.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: suzanami on April 19, 2006, 02:11:57 PM
QuoteHow do YOU guys get to stay active so often anyway?

I'm on the Internet off and on all day, so I'm always popping in to see what's going on. (or not going on)
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Milieva on April 19, 2006, 10:25:31 PM
Quote from: suzanami on April 19, 2006, 02:11:57 PM
QuoteHow do YOU guys get to stay active so often anyway?

I'm on the Internet off and on all day, so I'm always popping in to see what's going on. (or not going on)

Same here.  I often check in while I am at school and such. It makes life easier to just answer four or five e-mails off and on during the day than it does to answer 20 at once or more a week. >.<  And Rae-chan is right. We are so obsessed that it is funny. Why else do you think I made this forum in the first place?
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: sciathan_file on April 19, 2006, 10:26:37 PM
Quote from: suzanami on April 19, 2006, 02:11:57 PM
I'm on the Internet off and on all day, so I'm always popping in to see what's going on. (or not going on)

What she said...I spend like 5 minutes at a time to see what is up and post fanfiction updates...
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Madoushi_Clef on April 20, 2006, 12:15:45 AM
QuoteBecause I have no life? xD; I don't know about the others, but I have no life.

Pssssh. I have no life either.

None. At. All.

QuoteAnd Rae-chan is right. We are so obsessed that it is funny. Why else do you think I made this forum in the first place?

As a support group?
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Down on May 12, 2006, 10:44:12 PM
Hello! So happy to meet more obbsessive Rayearth fans nice people!

I'm Dragon of winter nights, but that's too long to keep typing out, so I'm really down.  ;D And I kinda know Rae-chan, but didn't join the forum until now because I forgot my internet is constantly messed up. And I have a memory like a sieve. >_<

Uh... I'm from England, and I've been obbsessed with Clef Clemi Rayearth since... um... late 1998? O_O Which makes it about seven years I've been lurking about the fandom. ^^; I've fallen into dozens of others both before and since, but it's Rayearth I always come back to, which says quite a lot. XD

I write fanfic, read more, and (when I have time) squee about it at anyone who'll listen. XD

I hope that's about right for an intro, because I'm currently hyper on asthma medication and painkillers and liable to not make much sense. ^^; So I'll stop now before I scare everyone away...
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Milieva on May 13, 2006, 12:42:33 AM
DOWN!!!? I am so happy to see you.? You make us an even twenty!? ^.^? ?Yes, we are quite a nice obsessed lot. Notice the post count?? This forum has been open for two months on Saturday.? And there are about 7-8 active members.? Please make yourself at home.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Down on May 13, 2006, 12:08:46 PM
Thank you!  ^^

20th member, huh? That's scarily appropriate, considering what age I turn at the end of the month... heh.  *settles in* (such a nice place, and to be here with people whose fics I've stalked before... XD I feel honoured!)
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: fuumegami on May 26, 2006, 02:56:56 AM
Ah well thanks for reminding me to post ^_^; I'm a mommy and a college student and I got lost in my work.  I've been a Rayearth fan for yeeeears!  I'm a hardcore FuuxFerio fanfiction writer.  I've know Suzanami for years too, we met on fanfiction.net forever ago I guess lol anyway I don't know what else to wrote, so ja ne
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: belldandy on May 27, 2006, 11:09:59 PM
Hello people! I`m so happy of joining this forum of MKR! I LOVE Rayearth!!!
I hope I can find crazy people like me here ^^

So...a little about me....I`m from Argentina (so forgive me if I make sintaxis/semantics mistakes) and I`ve been fan of MKR since 1998. In those years on the TV was Sailor Moon, and when it finished the producers decided to buy the rights for Rayearth to take advantage of the fans of the formula (powers / colour girls / save world). So that`s when I first saw MKR and I love it from the begining!!

My favourite couple is, of course, Fuu and Ferio. I love them!!! They are the most cute couple ever!

I want to thanks Suzanami, because she told me about this forum. She`s adorable!!
Gracias chica!!



Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Milieva on May 29, 2006, 03:06:10 PM
Welcome, belldandy.  You have no idea how happy I am to see that you are not a phantom member (joining but never posting).

I hope we see you around quite often.  And yes, there are quite a few strange people here.  Notice the subtitle of the board. ^.~   This is why we all get along so well.   But I am sure Suz is happy to have another F/F fan on the board as there are far too many U/C fans on here for her comfort.

Have fun, and feel free to post as often as you like.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Ai on May 29, 2006, 06:11:47 PM
-GASP- Well. =D We have new people! Welcome, everyone! I am Ai, and I am one of those self-proclaimed Crack Queens of the Support Group board. xD

Yes. Self-proclaimed. Yay!

Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Sidherequiem on May 31, 2006, 06:37:08 PM
Hi everyone!

New to the board but long time Rayearth fan! I've been a fan of Rayearth since 1996/7 when I saw a little clip of a new show in Japan online in middle school. It was just a bit of the opening but the style , and having been a fan of RG VEDA fansub I couldnt resist.  I didnt get to watch the anime untill 1998 but I was hooked and estatic when the US release of the manga and anime came out.  I've been writing fanfiction since '99/2000 but fell out of the fandom because of certain issues revolving around my old mkr_rpgml "I Want to See Your Smile." >.< But Im back now. I've missed the fandom sooo much. I have the same name in ff.net if your wondering. LOL.

yay! For Clemi fans. Im a really big ClefxUmi fan.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: sciathan_file on June 01, 2006, 12:24:44 AM
Woot!  More Clemi!

Welcome to Rayearth Anonymous...er...Cephiro.  Make yourself comfortable in your little white jacket...

*coughs delicately*
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Sidherequiem on June 01, 2006, 02:34:31 AM
As long as I can still write I'll be fine with the jacket. ^.^
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Ai on June 02, 2006, 01:43:51 AM
Welcome to the Support group that totally increases our crack intake forum, Ragyn! =D We're happy to have you here and so are the men in the nice, clean, pretty white coats!!

I am your resident self-proclaimed crack queen Ai, that one girl you'll see floating around the place. But you already knew that. Yeah. My username said it quite plainly. You met me the other night when we were having a Cephiro crack session we were in the chatroom.

Err ..

WELCOME! ^^ Enjoy your white coat, free of charge!
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Revolutionaren on August 01, 2006, 10:05:34 PM
My name is Jade *waves*

I am on FFN
I used to be 'Jadeysports' but now I'm 'The Girl Anachronism'

I am unpopular amongst the FFN Rayearth population, for my harsh and yet, rather true reviews.

It's good to be here!

By the way,
I don't actually mean to come across as a mean and aggressive bitch.
So I apologise now.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: sciathan_file on August 01, 2006, 11:33:11 PM
I totally recognize you!

You always say what I would if I cared more ^_^

And, don't worry, we're a hard group of people to intimidate mostly because we're already mostly insane.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Sidherequiem on August 03, 2006, 05:53:39 AM
Welcome aboard... or what ever you would call this? lol. ^.^
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Flibbertigibbet on August 17, 2006, 02:54:59 PM
Hello! *waves*

I was involved in a Rayearth message board wa~~y back when (I forget its name, but our most frequent visitors went by David, Umi, and Miyu) and was trying to find it again, but it seems that it was deleted. Anyway! During my search, I somehow got here and had warm fuzzies from remembering the old board (has it been seven, eight years? ;_; I feel so old! Rayearth was one of the first comics I read in Japanese! I used to know all of the image songs! *sigh*) and had to join. It seems that you all are as lively as our old group.

I tend to go by "Flibbertigibbet" online now. I am 24 and live in Shanghai, though I am moving to Hong Kong soon. I don't write fanfiction or do fanart or the like, though I used to beta/edit for people. I mainly translate (I'm slowly making my way through a novel and used to do lyrics non-stop) and... that's it. :) I try not to get too involved in fanworks, though I do leave feedback when I can. 4649!

Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Sidherequiem on August 17, 2006, 04:57:33 PM
Welcome! Im Ragyn. (24 too!) Im sure you'll fit right in and its great to see so many places represented in the Rayearth fandom! I hope you have a wonderful time here, and nice name. I hope to see some gossip and Chatter here now. ^.^
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: sciathan_file on August 19, 2006, 03:29:03 AM
Hi and welcome!

Glad to see new people :0 !
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: mazokuyuusuke on August 20, 2006, 11:23:49 PM
Heh, hey, everyone, it's Emiko-chan! ^^ Since my username was kinda confusing to others, I changed it to mazokuyuusuke, so hopefully, you'll reconize me. I'm gonna try my best to post here often, I do love Rayearth. ^-^ Well, I guess that's it. Bye-bye, to everyone here, and I'll talk to you all later! Ja ne! ^_^
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: sciathan_file on August 21, 2006, 03:05:50 AM
Hello, again again!

(and, by any chance, do you watch KKM?)
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Milieva on August 22, 2006, 02:01:10 PM

Welcome back, Emi.   Hope to see you around more.   We may or may not be more active since classes are starting back up.  I am working on having one of my other friends join here as I have addicted her to this lovely series. ^.^ 

And a warm welcome to you, Flibbertigibbet!   I am so happy to see new members.  We hope you feel right at home here with us.   I hope that this board won't be going anywhere anytime soon.   If it does, I apologize.   That would most likely mean I died.   ^.~   If you can be a fan of something for six years and still feel the love so strongly. (I really need to get back to work onDNT  *groan*)  I doubt you would kill of a website too terribly soon.

But there is another Rayearth messageboard/forum you  might find.   This one was made out of sheer frustration with it and the lack of Rayearth discussion.

[Merged Emi's Topic with Introductions.   Fits better there. Too many little going-nowhere threads clutters a board. ^.~]

Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Ai on August 23, 2006, 11:09:22 AM
Welcome to all the new peoples~! And the not-so-new people, too. =D!
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Rogue on August 25, 2006, 03:59:34 PM
*crawls out from under a rock, walks out of a cave on Mars, pulls his fingers out of his ears and opens his eyes*

Welcome to all the new members that I've missed.

For the record, not all of us are insane.  Some of us are just crazy.  Brownie points goes to the person who guesses which people are insane and which people are crazy. XD
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Sidherequiem on August 26, 2006, 08:41:06 PM
Do we even know ourselves? mwha
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: sciathan_file on August 30, 2006, 02:00:25 AM
Can I be somewhere in the grey space between insane and crazy...or is there a general consensus as to what I am...?
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Milieva on August 30, 2006, 02:14:37 AM
I'm just simply mad.   ^.^ 
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Rogue on August 30, 2006, 07:01:29 AM
Well, I'm one of the sane ones...or I'd like to think I am.  I have the occasional joygasm when I see something I like.  But aside from that, I'm pretty sane...I think. XD

And yes, there is a grey space in between and I think you would fit there Sci.

As for Mili...mad doesn't even describe it, lol.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Sidherequiem on September 01, 2006, 09:02:12 PM
humm I do guess we are quite mad, save Rogue.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Milieva on September 02, 2006, 12:43:54 AM
Quote from: ragyn on September 01, 2006, 09:02:12 PM
humm I do guess we are quite mad, save Rogue.

true, but that might be accounted tot he fact that he is the only male that post on a regular basis.   Thus he is mad for spending so much  time in a fourm dedicated to a shoujo series.  ^.~   
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: sciathan_file on September 02, 2006, 12:57:58 AM
I'm not mad, I'm a grey area.

Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Sidherequiem on September 02, 2006, 06:59:02 AM
keep telling yourself that sci.... keep telling yourself that.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: sciathan_file on September 02, 2006, 06:09:44 PM
*keeps chanting the mantra as people in white coats drag her off*
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Rogue on September 02, 2006, 11:29:53 PM
Hey, it's a good series.  I can't help it.  I like Rayearth just as much as Cardcaptor Saukra.  Hell, I'm technically a CLAMP fanboy.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Flibbertigibbet on September 03, 2006, 01:01:28 AM
"Technically"? Do you not want to be a CLAMP fanboy? :o
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Sidherequiem on September 03, 2006, 06:54:09 AM
I think Rogue's definition of 'technically' means he has everything from CLAMP except Sakura underwear. ::  winks  :: Gotta leave some pride. lol. jk. Dont hurt me.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Rogue on September 03, 2006, 08:23:42 PM
Well, as I gaze at my collection, I see CLAMP manga, CLAMP DVDs, CLAMP posters, CLAMP plushies and my X Playstation game.  It's fairly predominant in here.

No underwear in my collection.  I leave that stuff to a couple of my friends. XD
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Gracita on April 19, 2007, 01:17:13 AM
Hey guys!

I just wanted to say hello and tell you how happy I am to have found people to share my love for MKR with! It was my favorite anime as a kid and now that I've started to watch it again I just can't stop  ;D

... Oh, and I saw that Ferio cardboard cut-out and now I want one too!!! haha, Ferio's my favorite ♥♥♥
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Milieva on April 19, 2007, 01:39:31 AM
You have no idea how happy I am to see a new member who actually posted.

Feel free to spam reply any topics you find interesting.  Breathe new life into the boards.

I need to get back into Rayearth again, but I doubt it will have my full attention again until the end of June, and then I will be starting Summer class.  *laughs* 

I think we all want a cut-out of our favourite characters.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Sidherequiem on April 19, 2007, 05:45:45 AM
or ceramic busts! OMG. I have only like two weeks left of school... CLEF BUST. why have I never thought of this? >.>

AND WELCOME Gracita! ^.^
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Rogue on April 19, 2007, 06:14:39 AM
Welcome to our humble abode, Gracita. :)

As Mils has said, feel free to post anywhere.  It is nice to see someone else join us and not be a spam bot.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Milieva on April 20, 2007, 02:09:16 AM
Yes and when I mean feel free and post, I mean post or die.....



I think I hear the Doctor.  *wanders out of fandom again*
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Down on April 25, 2007, 08:57:16 AM
(belated) hello, Gracita! ^^ yay, new inmate um, member!

(*snickers at Mils* The Dr can be a little... demanding, heh. XD)
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Kisumisu on November 20, 2007, 01:54:48 PM
Hi, (please do not insult my English, have mercy^^) I'm Kisumisu and I am a 16-year-old Magic Knight Rayearth obsessed girl. I am a busy highschool student, but I always have time for Magic Knight Rayearth! I like to watch anime, draw anime (Clemi pictures!), read novels and listen to music. I love Sailor Moon (Usagiii<3Mamoruuu!!) and other Shojo-anime series but I  A.D.O.R.E  Magic Knight Rayearth!

I've been MKR fan since early 2002, when a Finnish Channel SubTV decided to show it. (Heheee. The theme song was very addictive!) The girls, Hikaru, Umi and Fuu were pretty, and nicely drawn, so I wanted to see more. When the girls landed to Cephiro and the little lavender haired mage came to greet 'em, I fell in love! O.O Omgg, beautiful bishonen! <33 

I'm not a talented fanfiction writer, but I love to read them, so continue writing! I prefer ClefxUmi stories. : P

Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: sciathan_file on November 21, 2007, 12:15:41 AM
Hello and welcome!

We're all a little crazy here, but its good times.  :)
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Milieva on November 21, 2007, 03:20:08 AM
Kis, you have no idea how happy I am to see yet another new member added to this forum.  Feel free to flood more of the forum with comments.  Plenty of topics are feeling unloved.  Maybe a few of our other members will return with some new blood commenting.

I am sorry to say that many of us have wandered from Rayearth and are writing for ther fandoms at the mo, but we will se what happens. ^.~
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: suzanami on November 21, 2007, 03:59:34 AM
It's so nice to see a fresh face!  Like Milieva said, it's been kinda quiet here because we all have school and other fandoms, but trust me: I still love MKR just as much.  Someone mentioned it the other day and I just rambled for half an hour about it to him. ;D
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Kisumisu on November 21, 2007, 08:51:24 AM
Thank you!^^ And nice to meet you all! <3 
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Revolutionaren on November 21, 2007, 01:22:56 PM
Hello! Welcome!

It's so good to have a new person around :D

It's all good :D
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Gracita on November 24, 2007, 09:45:16 PM
Hey Kisumisu!

Glad to have you here and to know that there are still some rayearth fans out there, I hope you like Cephiro as much as we do :)
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: eliliah on November 28, 2007, 01:18:48 AM
Yaaah! Another newbie here! Cookies for all ^_^ It's so hard to find this place, but i'm glad I made it! Oh yeah, HI!  ;D
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Milieva on November 28, 2007, 01:21:54 AM
Glad to see a new face. But what in God's name ar eyou doning online at such an ungodly hour? *has ssuper admin powers to know where people are logging in*
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: eliliah on November 28, 2007, 01:37:40 AM
What are you doing online at this very same hour? Hmm? I'm totally nocturnal, seriously. I won't be asleep till like, 4 or something.  :D
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Milieva on November 28, 2007, 01:51:44 PM
Quote from: eliliah on November 28, 2007, 01:37:40 AM
What are you doing online at this very same hour? Hmm? I'm totally nocturnal, seriously. I won't be asleep till like, 4 or something.? :D

It was only 7PM for me.  I am usually asleep by 10ish, because my classes are early in the morning. But as I was tired, I have my maths wrong and it wasn't as late as I thought when I made that comment.

Anyway, welcome.  New people make the board seem loved.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Rogue on November 28, 2007, 11:45:05 PM
It's good to see some new people circulating our little corner of cyberspace.

Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: eliliah on November 29, 2007, 03:08:44 AM
It's just nice to know Rayearth's not forgotten! 13 years since the series! wowzer!
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Kisumisu on November 29, 2007, 07:11:53 PM
Yay, another Umi fan! Woohoo! Nice to meet you, eliliah. : D
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: eliliah on November 29, 2007, 08:18:55 PM
Hello! *hands out lotsa love to fellow cephirians*
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Dirk on December 10, 2007, 05:28:56 AM
Hey all! I actually joined a long time ago, but school had been horribly busy and is finally letting up!
I'm a friend of suzanami's, and she  pointed me here.

Rayearth was one of my first manga, and it's always been special to me!

and BTW, Fuu is my favorite XD
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Revolutionaren on December 18, 2007, 03:58:10 PM
Why hello there!
It's always good to have new life to this forum :D
We're a lovely lot
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Itena on February 23, 2008, 01:19:11 AM
Oh my Mokona, an MKR forum! Yay!  :o

Hi peeps! And here enters the crazy, internet-addicted, procrastinating Itena! I happen to be head-over-heels in love with MKR right about now(the best series to ever be made; this love's not going to pass anytime soon)... and I'd have to say that I'm probably one of your most crazed, hardcore Hikaru Shidou fangirl that you'll find at the moment. If Hikaru was real, I'd probably faint out of happiness...

If you also happen to be one of the most crazed, hardcore Hikaru Shidou fangirl that you'll find at the moment, then please do tell me! We can worship Hikaru together. <3

Also, does this forum do roleplaying? I happen to be a veteran roleplayer, and if there's any series I want to roleplay, it'd be MKR. <3 If not, I'm quite happy with doing some fanfics.

Well then, enough of me... come out guys and let me see what this community's made of! >8D
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Milieva on February 25, 2008, 05:08:45 AM
Hello, and welcome.  I regretfully say that many of us are currently cheating on Rayearth with other fandoms.  So we are in an out a bit, but skim the boards from time to time.

We are always happy to have new blood.

Please feel free to make yourself at home.  Comment on anything you find interesting.  There is no rule about necroposting here. 

As for Roleplaying... this forum does not do roleplaying. Our members are lazy. ^.~
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Itena on February 28, 2008, 11:02:57 PM
GASPUH! No rping? How could you?!

Joke. That's quite alright, and I already have other forums that I rp on anyways, so that's fine.

Yes, I am the blood donor! :P
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Gracita on March 01, 2008, 01:55:06 AM
Hey Itena!

Good to have you here :) I'm a big Hikaru fan too, I'd say I like the three knights almost equally but I have a special love for her just because she's so strong-willed and always tries to have a positive attitude... i also have a special love for Ferio because he's super hot but that's another story, hehe. We got a lot of Umi and Fuu fans in the forum as well, and sometimes Milieva gets some awesome chats going on aol with a lot of us, it'd be fun to have you there sometime!
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Itena on March 01, 2008, 08:16:50 PM
That's nice, I just joined recently, and I already met another Hikaru fan! <3
I've never used AOL, but I do have MSN.  :P
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Milieva on March 04, 2008, 03:31:40 AM
Well, there are a few of us on MSN as well.  There is thread called The List.  All of my contact information is correct.  Feel free to add me.

There are all sorts of fans here, as I said, we are just not as active as we could be.  It happens to be one year now since another fandom started to take up much of my attentions. ^.^ 
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Itena on March 04, 2008, 05:08:41 AM
oohooh, and which anime would that be? I wanna know if I've seen it before or not.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Rogue on March 04, 2008, 04:33:17 PM
Welcome to this little nook on the internet.

I'm pretty sure Mils has been on a Doctor Who/Torchwood trip lately.  I've seen a few episodes and those shows are pretty good.  They aren't anime titles though.

I've been watching Bamboo Blade and that's a good show.

I still hold the Magic Knight Rayearth fandom in my heart and it will always be a favorite of mine.  Then again, I'm a huge fan of CLAMP.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Down on September 19, 2008, 09:43:18 PM
Hello, new people! I'm happy to see new members on the board after I was hiatus-ed for so long. XD Nice to meet you!

(I may or may not be partially responsible for the Dr Who thing spreading across the board. Um. *fails to be repentant*)
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Bearit on October 02, 2008, 02:35:40 PM
SQUEE.? MKR forums that's not FF.net.? I've wanted this for a good, er, 7 years now?? I've been in the fandom THAT long?!? Holy smokes.? I'm old.? T_T

I'm Bearit, the resident invader fanatic.? Autozam being my absolute favorite of the three, but I'd kill to get my hands on fanfics and fanart that focus on the other two countries, too.? Naturally, my top 3 favorite characters are Eagle, Geo, and Tatra or Zazu depending on the day.? That's not to say that I don't love the other characters--Umi is my favorite Knight, though that's probably the norm in the fandom.? *lol*?

Anyway, I'm so excited to be joining the forums!? Finally, I get to fangirl over MKR again!

(My old fangirling buddies have moved on... I did, too, for a bit, but now I'm back and they're gone and wah.? ?:'( And my newest fandom there's practically nobody to fangirl with since.? By chance, anybody love the game Jade Empire?? Or KotOR (I and/or II)?? ... prolly not. *sigh*)
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Down on October 17, 2008, 11:01:42 PM
Heya, Bearit! I have a feeling you poked my interest in Eagle up a stage about six years ago. XD (I know what you mean about feeling old, too, but rayearth is a good fandom for that! Several of us keep coming back. XD)

I'd love to write more with Eagle in, but herding Eagle is rather like herding cats to me - I faaaail. XD (Not that I don't keep trying...)

eta: also, HI! You are the ONLY OTHER PERSON EVER I have met who has wanted to see Zazu/Ascot! *manic grin*
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Bearit on October 21, 2008, 12:19:46 AM
Ha, when I think about it, MKR is the only fandom I keep coming back to no matter how many times I try to leave it.  Seriously.  When I left Prince of Tennis, it was for good.  When I left Nadesico, it was for good.  Leaving MKR for good?  IMPOSSIBLE.  No matter how many times I've tried.  ^^;;;

Yay, that's nice to hear, that I helped pique Eagle interest.  :)  Eagle = my most favoritest character in MKR, despite all my Geo-centric fanfics.  Eh-heh.  And I know what you mean about writing about the boy, or writing him in fics.  It's haaaaaaaaaaaaaard.  Silly little enigmatic boy. 

AND YES ZAZU/ASCOT IS THE EPITOME OF CUTE CRACK NON-CANON AWESOMENESS.  It's on my list of MKR fanfics to tackle over the next few months after finishing my Jade Empire multi-chapter.  I think it's like.  Third.  Or fourth.  On my list of WANT TO WRITE fics.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: The Icy Darkness on October 09, 2012, 01:54:29 AM
Hey everyone! My name is Water Dragon's Wing on fanfiction, but you can call me WaterD.

I have been in the MKR fandom for a little over a year, but I have used fanfiction for over 4 years. I've been looking for a forum or something. BAM! I became friends with milieva and then she directed me over to this. I hope we have loads of fun! (and perhaps debates? XD)

I'm fourteen years old and in eighth grade (sound familiar?) So milieva likes to call me the 'baby' of the fandom. Goo goo gaga. *wry look*
As long as you don't count Pokemon or Avatar, Magic Knight Rayearth is my first legitimate anime.

I have a passion for writing and plan to take an advanced course towards it and excel past peers. (I'm already the top writing level at my school ._.; )

If you have any questions, poke me on my aim account soopercooper66@yahoo.com or just email me there. My aim account may be Water Dragon's Wing but I'm honestly not sure.

Nice to be here!

Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Milieva on October 09, 2012, 02:34:10 AM
Quote from: WaterDragonsWing on October 09, 2012, 01:54:29 AM
As long as you don't count Pokemon or Avatar, Magic Knight Rayearth is my first legitimate anime.

Pokemon's anime, sorry to tell you. Avatar is not, technically. It's a Nicktoon.  A brilliant one, but a Nicktoon, none the less.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: The Icy Darkness on October 09, 2012, 02:58:03 AM
Well, by my personal opinion Pokemon is not anime. *quiets protests*

I don't care about facts. This is just my mindset.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: suzanami on October 14, 2012, 10:34:10 PM
Welcome to the fandom.  I got into MKR when I was 15!  You're far more eloquent online than I was at that age.

As for debates, IIRC we used to playfully argue over pairings and even characterization (Hikaru's always been a hot topic of debate here).  It's nice though because we could pretty easily agree to disagree.  Things never really got ugly here despite lots of disagreement, so you're in a great place. :D
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: The Icy Darkness on October 15, 2012, 02:32:41 AM
I'm guessing the whole 'eloquent' thing is a compliment. ^_^

I am often told I'm very mature for my age, so it isn't very surprising that you think that way.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Sidherequiem on October 21, 2012, 12:35:01 AM
Its interesting but I think most of us found Rayearth around the age of 15! Although the fandoms I like are making me feel older and older, especially when I go to conventions! Its great to see that MKR can still bring in fans. (Why wouldnt it though? CLAMP is legendary and MKR was really their breakout hit.)
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: dhiver on November 06, 2012, 04:41:07 AM
Hey guys! I got directed here by Milieva after she found me complaining on tumblr about how dead the fandom is (seems like she's been gathering us up eh?). 

Anyhow, here's a little bit about my history with Rayearth:

I know a handful of you are doing NaNoWiMo, but I hope to talk to you guys soon :'D
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Down on November 07, 2012, 01:12:02 PM
Hi, dhiver! (are you the person who did the sane translation of the Clemi fanmanga of FEELS? :DDD)

YAY for clef and umi RAYEARTH~! And Mils gathering us all into her forum-shaped basket. XDD

(sorry, exam day, going a little madder than usual but welcome!)

Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: dhiver on November 13, 2012, 05:55:52 AM
I did do a translation! And I'm glad you think it makes sense! A lot of times when I read something in Japanese, the literal translation sounds off and I get all #@)$ about putting it into proper English e____e;;

(hope you did well on your exams! round two is coming up for me in a few weeks gah)
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: shinomu on November 23, 2012, 03:10:33 AM
Hello there!

I'm shinomu, in here and ff.net. I also have an acount on deviantart with the username "mehira".

I've loved Rayearth since I was a kid and often I feel like checking out the fandom. I never actively participated in anything fandom related, really, and the stuff I make on the series are very sporadic. But I get this need sometimes to find new things about Rayearth to obsess about.

Hm, what else? I'm a manga fan and the last time I watched the anime I wasn't veyr impressed by it. I like the manga for the open possibilities it leaves. Also I didn't like most of the add ons of the animated series (but then it's been YEARS since I watched... the manga I read from time to time). FuuxFerio was my first OTP, but now Lantis/Hikaru/Eagle and all their possibilities is my new obsession, so I sadly missed the good stuff about them back in the day ff.net allowed NC-17 since I was too busy reading FuuxFerio. But, mostly, I'm interested on the dinamics between all the MKR characters as friends, frenemies, the sibling like relationships and all. I love  making up headcanons about how the characters will be as  grown ups and have a HUGE headcanon for when the knights grow old...  I also have crazy head canons too with massive CLAMP crossovers.

Uuh, that's it? I thought the forum would be a fun thing to do, although I do feel that I won't participate in lots of things because I'm not very interested in CLEMI...  Y_____________Y But I'll try and be active. Also English is my second language so please forgive in advance...
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Milieva on November 23, 2012, 04:30:35 AM
A welcome to our new members.  Don't worry,  shinomu, being an Umi/Clef fan isn't a requirement.  Actually, it is nice that some of our new members aren't again, as we have a ridiculous sway on the board as it is.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Down on November 23, 2012, 02:08:33 PM
Welcome! :D Glad to meet you, and don't worry about the Clemi thing - I swear most of us who swing that way are also multishippers who like a lot of the other pairings too, we just get distracted if no one pokes us into talking about them too? XD

Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Camisado on November 24, 2012, 07:42:21 PM
Hi everyone! I'm Camisado, feel free to call me Cami, Kelly or Marina (the latter two are my real names!). I'm from the south of England. I've loved Rayearth for approximately ten years, and met my best friend - Revolutionnaire, also at this board - through writing Rayearth fanfiction and posting it on FF.net. I also met Down there, as far as I remember!

Rev and I started putting together our own Rayearth fan website, but I have the shortest attention span in the world. I had planned to draw a comic of "life in Cephiro" (post series 2 of the manga) once a week-ish there, but that never happened either.

My other favourite CLAMP series' are xxxHolic and Tokyo Babylon (though I never got into Tsubasa or X). I also enjoy Pok?mon games, The Legend of Zelda, and am currently writing an original, local story for NaNoWriMo that I hope to turn into a comic.

This looks like a lovely community, I look forward to meeting you all!
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Milieva on November 24, 2012, 07:47:56 PM
Welcome!   Yeah, I think I found your page because I immediately look at email addresses of new members jsut to be sure they aren't bots.

Had a giggle.

And we are glad to have you. 
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Revolutionaren on November 26, 2012, 09:35:37 PM
Hey babycakes!

It's like all my internet social circles are colliding together.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: suzanami on November 27, 2012, 02:44:22 AM
Quote from: shinomu on November 23, 2012, 03:10:33 AM
I thought the forum would be a fun thing to do, although I do feel that I won't participate in lots of things because I'm not very interested in CLEMI...  Y_____________Y

*raises hand*  I am more open-minded to it than I used to be because of these yahoos, but I am still pretty uninterested in it.  (Actually I just have trouble wanting to ship Umi at all, and I just kind of default to Asmi because aawww).  So I tend to be absent from Clemi-centric threads because I have nothing to really say...  So it's okay!  You and me and dinosaurjam can be unclemi together. :3
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: dhiver on November 27, 2012, 03:45:32 AM
Yay to the yahoos (I'm looking at you Mils and down) for spreading the Clemi love!

- but I think this board is pretty balanced in terms of topics; I haven't been here long but it seems like everyone talks about everything so don't worry! I'm super open to other characters and pairings (except Asmi because I can't wrap my head around a relationship with a guy with the mental maturity of...however old he is because I strongly believe that up to a certain age, guys are 5 years more mentally immature than females), I just never really had the time to explore them since I usually have a love-at-first-sight-OTP and then focus solely on them.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Akira on November 27, 2012, 03:07:18 PM
I there ^^ I am here thanks to Mili, actually this is the first  i am in a fandom and sadly dont have to much time to enter and read all but still i am happpy to find people whom likes MKR. I do feel a little hmm..intimidated could be the word ^^ everyone in here seems to love Clef/Umi and i feel a little afraid because even if i do like them i dont love them anymore like i used to, i was in need of something new and different and now my ideal couple (for a long time now) is Umi/Eagle or Umi/Lantis, couples that apparently are not pretty much welcome in here, so yeah...

I first have contact with MKR like almos... 17 years ago when they first landed here at my country, I simply fall in love with Umi's character, i felt so drawn to her, so since then she has been my favorite, later on, the couple of her with Clef was my ideal love but after reading almost all the good stories on the internet, I have to admint i got sick of them (until recently) other mangas/animes came and stole my attention on MKG. Now after so many years y started reading about them too and even writing and that is how Mili found me in the way and invited me in here.

I do have a lot of work and a life to live so its difficult to me being here everyday at every moment but it is always nice to meet new people. If someone wish to contact me on a more regular basis feel free to ask.

Also, English is not my first language I do apologize in advance  for m,y mistakes although i do try not to have them. xDD

P.S, Not related to MKG but I am also a Yaoi fan.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Milieva on November 27, 2012, 07:12:50 PM
Quote from: Akira on November 27, 2012, 03:07:18 PM
everyone in here seems to loce Clef/Umi and i feel a little afraid because even if i do like them i dont lov them anymore like i used to i was in need of something different and now my ideal couple (for a lonf time now) is Umi/Eagle or Umi/Lantis, couples that apparently are not pretty much welcome in here, so yeah...

You know...  if it works into an open Umi/Clef type relationship.... I actually might see myself writing Umi/Eagle...  er.....   Damn it.  Must try not to be distracted by that idea right now...
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Akira on November 27, 2012, 10:45:25 PM
No, you must not be distracted by this! xDD  but thanks.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: LadyEmeraude on April 10, 2013, 04:47:52 PM
Hello all. I am new to this forum and am a huge Rayearth fan. I love anime in general. Besides Rayearth, my favorites are Yu-gi-oh!, Rurouni Kenshin, Sailor Moon, Witch Hunter Robin, Fushigi Yuugi, InuYasha, Marmalade Boy, Sorcerer Stabber Orphen and Fruits Baskets. I also like writing fanfiction, which I plan to share here.
Good to meet you all. :)
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Milieva on April 10, 2013, 04:51:26 PM
Welcome, LadyEmeraude.  We're glad you could join us.  We're a friendly lot. Please feel free to spam the board. It's always nice to have new perspectives on old topics.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Antoinette Veronica on April 10, 2013, 05:43:48 PM
Hello, I am Antoinette Veronica.

I am so over the moon to have found this forum through Milieva.  I am obsessed with Rayearth since last Summer, when I suddenly had a desire to revisit the anime and manga I read when I was a schoolgirl like 17 years ago.

Saint Seiya had been the one of the first anime I watched, I also liked Sailormoon, Yu Yu Hakusho and then Rayearth, this manga had drawn my attention because it introduced me to the concept of an anti-villain, I remembered I was quite fascinated by the twist ending of season one and it inspired me back then to write another story...sadly the whole thing was abandoned.

However, I did not pay much attention to it after having finished the manga of both seasons, although I remembered how happy I was to see how Hikaru eliminated the Pillar System. I did not even get to watch the anime back in those days. I do like all things by Clamp, especially RG Veda (It is a classic!) and Card Captor Sakura and Wish and X1999. A few years ago I was also obsessed with Angel Sanctuary by Kaori Yuki.

Now I revisited this series (I had to track down the manga through a second hand manga dealer, because I never purchased the volumes) and see the story in a new light. I feel this series is a classic and should deserve more love!

My OTP is Zagato and Emeraude, one of the most tragic lovers I ever came across. I am a big Zagato fan, which some of you here would have already know.

Good to meet you all!
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: suzanami on April 10, 2013, 06:35:14 PM
Hooray, people! :D  Welcome to Lady Emeraude and Antoinette Veronica!  Like Milieva said, feel free to add your thoughts to older threads.  (Antoinette Veronica, the edit to your post was just to remove the excess empty space at the bottom, no worries!)

I just read through the first couple pages of the Intro thread.  NOSTALGIA BOMB. 
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Milieva on April 10, 2013, 07:02:51 PM
And hello, again, Antonia. Glad to see you actually posting, rather than lurking. ;)  Hope you enjoy your Cephiro forum experience.

Quote from: suzanami on April 10, 2013, 06:35:14 PM
I just read through the first couple pages of the Intro thread.  NOSTALGIA BOMB. 

I know, right?   I did the same.  OMG... This forum! 

I?m still glad I was talked into creating it, even if it does go quite from time to time.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Antoinette Veronica on April 11, 2013, 01:18:57 AM
Oh yes, I had been lurking, but I would post more!
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Down on April 11, 2013, 10:50:26 PM
Hello, people! :D Welcome to the madness~
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: ascella star on May 18, 2013, 04:55:41 AM
OK this may be a great joke...

after i struggled a lot to write an introduction of myself my time logged in was up!!


anyway here it comes again!

hello everybody!

as you have noted by this moment, I'm new here, my friend Antoinette Veronica Invited me  :)

I'm a Mexican girl, I'm a fan of MKR since i was a little girl... so looooong ago! well... maybe not that long! :P

my OTP are hikaru and Lantis... i may say i drool over lantis a lot hahaha. i also think that fuu and ferio are a very cute couple... and well i am one of those crazy girls that think that umi and eagle are promising as a couple too...

i also like Sailor Moon (and codename wa Sailor V) Candy Candy and some others, but those three (or four if you includes sailor V as another one) are my all time favorites...

sometimes i write stories about those series... although they are in Spanish (my mother language) but maybe one day I'll translate (at least) the ones from MKR and post them here!

hahaha now I'm babbling! so I'm leaving... for now!!

nice to meet you!!!
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Antoinette Veronica on May 18, 2013, 05:11:20 AM
I don't know you pair Umi with Eagle too, so do I! They are cut together, a pretty boy and pretty girl with the same elegant charm.

Now you mentioned Sailor V, i love it too, as much as sailormoon.

Hope to hear more from you, bye!


Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: ascella star on May 18, 2013, 05:25:32 AM
Quote from: Antoinette Veronica on May 18, 2013, 05:11:20 AM
I don't know you pair Umi with Eagle too, so do I! They are cut together, a pretty boy and pretty girl with the same elegant charm.

yeah!! they're too cute together!!!

i also saw that Akira likes this pairing too... so now we are three crazy girls!! jajaja we're no longer alone in that jajajaja
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Antoinette Veronica on May 18, 2013, 07:02:04 AM
I love your profile picture! Very, very adorable! Mokona is so nice to cuddle.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Antoinette Veronica on May 18, 2013, 07:43:15 AM
Also, I forgot to say that Umi would make Eagle very happy with her repertoire of cakes!
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Milieva on May 18, 2013, 03:04:00 PM
Welcome.  We?re glad you could join us. It?s always nice to have new people about. 
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Somariel on May 22, 2013, 06:38:03 PM
Hi, all. I'm Somariel. I've been into MKR for years, but I'm just now getting into the fandom. If I'm remembering things correctly, MKR was the first manga I ever read - I checked Volume 3 of the original Tokyopop translation out of my town library sometime in junior high.

You can thank Down for me finding this forum - she linked it in the notes of one of her fics on AO3.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Milieva on May 22, 2013, 11:48:02 PM
Welcome. This forum is more or less populated by people who found it via word of mouth.  The activity level rises and falls, but I like to think we all get along well.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: suzanami on May 23, 2013, 01:56:31 AM
Hi!  Always great to see a new face around here. :D
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Trin-nya on May 29, 2013, 09:08:57 PM
Hm, this introduction's long overdue, but what the hay~

Anyways, I'm Trin-nya, but if you so desire you may call me Trin, or whatever you wish...

Now, the MKR fandom, I found it a little over a year ana a half ago, when I was at Barnes and Noble looking for new shoujo manga to read, I scanned the summary on the back cover, saw it was by CLAMP, and fell head over heels in love. I then begged my parents to buy it! I got more into the fandom, by finding fics, most were by our lovely leader, Mil-sama, or some of our older members, you know who you are, here on the council. I suppose my joining of the fandom, was really by commending Mil-sama on her fic Sanctuary, and later finding Down-sama! I am know proud to say that I own both seasons, both omnibuses, and the gorgeous art book!

Also, I'm really honored to have become aquatinted with some of the leading members, and I will refer to you all as '-sama', most likely~  unless you personally ask me not too...

Thanks, I'm happy to be here!

Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Down on May 30, 2013, 08:36:03 PM
Hi, new people! And HI SOMARIEL! I am glad I dragged someone else into the madness muwahahahahaa helped you find us? XD

(And please no one be surprised by the fact I am not about so much at the moment, new job - agaaaaaaain - and my wrist is fighting back. Mostly I'm on tumblr because I can do that without much thought/typing. I will be back! I just. Am currently unreliable for responses.)

...Trin, I still feel like cackling and being evil every time you ~sama me. *amused*
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: suzanami on June 05, 2013, 04:33:46 AM
Welcome, ascella star!  Glad to have you aboard.  I know Guerreras M?gicas was/is very popular in Mexico (it seems most of the fic on Fanfiction.net these days in the Rayearth section is in Spanish but I'm too rusty to read it; I should, since I'm out of practice)
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: ascella star on June 05, 2013, 04:53:57 AM
Hey suzanami!
Hahaha yeah! Lately a lot of stories are in Spanish... Which is good for me since sometimes I'm lazy enough to read in another language...

Maybe I'll update mines translated... It's just about remembering where I left those translations... (yeah, I already have them)
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: LadyEmeraude on June 16, 2013, 02:07:07 AM
Hey ascella star..hope you're having fun here. :)
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Tasty_Marrow on June 26, 2013, 08:44:44 AM

I'm Tasty Marrow. I picked that name because I've been making a lot of soup stock lately. And I like to keep things a little on the dark side.

Reading other posts and intros, I think I'm one of the older people here, dagnabbit.  I first remember seeing MKR back in '96 via a local fan subber group. For a while (years), I  tried to bury my obsession with this fandom. It felt like a dirty little secret - but geek will out. I'm not sure if my continued interest in MKR speaks more about the storytelling of CLAMP, or any psychological regression I may be experiencing. Either way, I think I'm happier being here. One day, I hope to exorcise some plot bunnies clogging up my head by writing about them, but they're elusive and shy.

It's nice to meet you all.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Down on June 26, 2013, 07:10:04 PM
Hi, Tasty Marrow! Welcome - there's a fair few of us here who keep being dragged back to Rayearth, there's just something about it which... digs into the psyche and doesn't let go.

(I just spent five minutes trying to work out how old I am, heh. I am now 27!) (...............that's so weird to think about XD)
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Trin-nya on June 28, 2013, 09:52:22 PM
Well, in terms of age I believe that I'm probably the youngest person on this forum, as I am only 16,  ???
But age holds no significance to fandoms~ Yeah for new people and old alike in this fandom!
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Antoinette Veronica on June 29, 2013, 12:02:55 AM
Maybe I Am the oldest here, I am 33 this year.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Scotch Bonnet on July 16, 2013, 07:09:51 PM

I'm Scotch Bonnet, a Magic Knight Rayearth fan since 2000! MKR was the first manga I ever picked up, probably because CLAMP's elaborate art drew my attention. I made the total n00b mistake of purchasing Volume 1 and Volume 2 of MKR2 and was very, very confused until I realized there were 3 volumes in between. Not to be daunted, I purchased the remaining four volumes and then everything suddenly made a lot more sense! It was magical and addictive and now I own all these art and script books (half of them are in Japanese, which I can't even read) that I occasionally page through like an obsessed little freak.

I suppose I'm here to do two things: stare at your fanworks like a creeper, and get the answer to who came up with the Umi/Ferio drinking buddies thing (because it is possibly the most awesome MKR headcanon ever).
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Down on July 16, 2013, 09:30:41 PM
Greetings! *grins* I think the answer you are looking for is in this thread here (https://cephiro.psynos.net/index.php?topic=270.0)  combined with the earlier flailing here (https://cephiro.psynos.net/index.php?topic=58.30) by various people?

.............not that I entirely took this as an excuse to go wander the boards at all, NOPE. XD

Anyway! Hope you have fun joining the madness, and appreciation of everyone's fanworks is great fun! :D
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Somariel on July 17, 2013, 12:11:27 AM
Pleased to meet you, Scotch Bonnet.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Nineveh on July 28, 2013, 03:59:55 PM

Hi everyone,

I'm Nineveh (pen name) and I'm a big fan of Magic Knight Rayearth since it was first aired in my country (age 9), now I'm 27!

I just finished rewatching the series, and I can't believe I'm hooked once more and couldn't be more glad. After the series is done the next best thing is finding good fanfiction. I particularly like the usual pairings, but stay away from Fuu and Umi and focus more on Hikaru, Lantis, and Eagle.

While I haven't written any fanfiction for this series, my mind does have a few ideas and I'm so glad to have found this forum to discuss them. It's hard nowadays to find independent pages that aren't related to fanfiction.net. as I find it has quite the monopoly when it comes to fanfiction, for good reasons. Yet, I hope to find other places focused solely on this anime.

Like I mentioned before, I'm mostly on the lookout for very well-written stories with creative heart-gripping scenarios. I should also mention that i'm a big lemon and NC-17 fan.

Glad to have joined.

Now I'm excited to plunge into the stories! ;D
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Down on July 28, 2013, 07:31:29 PM
Welcome, Nineveh! :D

Discussing fic = hiiiiiiiiiiighly encouraged. *grin* For higher rated fic, Archiveofourown doesn't have restrictions like ffn does, but it is sadly very small still (though, um, we're starting to expand it? ^^; )

Anyway, hope you like it here? XD
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Rogue on July 29, 2013, 12:47:53 AM
You'll enjoy this community.  Lots of great people here.  You know...except for that Rogue person. XD
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Milieva on July 29, 2013, 01:08:16 AM
Quote from: Rogue on July 29, 2013, 12:47:53 AM
You'll enjoy this community.  Lots of great people here.  You know...except for that Rogue person. XD

Yeah, that guy really needs to be more active.  Sheesh!

Hiya Nineveh!  Welcome to our humble little forum on nonsense. We try to be a very welcoming group. All ships and crack!ships are welcome.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Rogue on July 29, 2013, 04:38:49 AM
Quote from: Milieva on July 29, 2013, 01:08:16 AMYeah, that guy really needs to be more active.  Sheesh!

I'm working on it.  Just need to make sure I get into a routine of posting at least someone once a day.  Then I'll be good.  I just hope I don't procrastinate posting.  The minute I do that...I'll sink into that hole of inactivity again.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Somariel on July 29, 2013, 07:12:32 PM
Welcome, Nineveh. I'm very pleased to meet you.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: LadyEmeraude on August 03, 2013, 05:09:31 PM
Welcome. I hope you have fun here!
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: BlueFairyKino on December 06, 2013, 08:08:37 PM
*waves like a mad woman*

'm Kino!

I haven't been a fan for aaaassss long as most, but still a fan. I've seen the anime, read the manga, and watched LPs of the games!

I have a MKR OC in the works...she isn't done yet, but I plan on making a fanfic for her later on.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Somariel on December 07, 2013, 01:34:00 AM
Pleased to see you here. We already met in the Council Hall chat.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: BlueFairyKino on December 07, 2013, 01:39:42 AM

Still there actually...just sidetracked by other stuff XD
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: moonsea on July 16, 2014, 08:49:54 AM
So I got a PM which says it's a rule to introduce yourself when you join...I joined several forums,but never made an introduction because I had RL contacts there.So I don't know where to start much,and I can make a lot of mistakes while writing,after all english isn't my mother tongue.

I hang out at the council hall chat too,although my nickname was different there (it was zeygreat)

I'm currently 21 years old.I loved MKR as much as Clamp's other works,but I rewatched the series some months ago,and now I'm totally obsessed with it :) I write fanfic and draw fanarts,but I love reading fanfics and seeing fanarts.I'd like to meet some fans too :D
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Somariel on July 16, 2014, 06:31:36 PM
Nice to meet you, Moonsea. I hope you'll enjoy it here.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Down on July 16, 2014, 07:58:19 PM
Heya! Hope you have fun here as well as tumblr/chat. :)

Please feel free to talk about anything you want~ (and please don't worry about your english! There are quite a few people about here who have different first languages, and some of the rest of us are semi-fluent in others and know how hard it is to try to compose stuff in a language not your own, please ask if you want to check something but I'm certain you'll do fine!) We're all a little insane, but friendly! Even when we disagree with each other.  :D

Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: suzanami on July 16, 2014, 08:33:35 PM
hi, Moonsea! good to see ya posting. it's been kind of quiet around here lately so if you want to start a post or add to an older discussion, please do!

just seconding everything Down said!  (and if we say weird stuff you don't understand, it's okay to ask us to rephrase if you need to!)

welcome to the madhouse, and have fun! :D
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: moonsea on July 17, 2014, 09:08:56 AM
Hi again,your messges made my day,thanks a lot.Being a part of the community is nice,from now on I'll check the forum and new posts frequently :)

I don't have any problem understanding the written language,but I'm not really good at writing :D I can be really annoying at times,I apologize in advance.

Thanks again :)
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Pixie on September 22, 2014, 03:26:44 PM

I suck at introductions...

So, I'm kinda new to this fandom- I recently, very recently, read the manga and just this week finish the anime. I mostly write fic for things (I had posted a little for the Umi x Clef week, but nothing I started for the Fuu x Ferio week got finished), and I'm hoping to contribute to the fandom in that method, since I can't... find good clips to make videos with XD

Anyway... yes, hello.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Somariel on September 22, 2014, 03:53:21 PM
Nice to meet you, Pixie. It's always good to have another person join the fandom.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: suzanami on September 22, 2014, 07:50:57 PM
hi, Pixie!  I realize now I recognize you from Tumblr :>  welcome to the madhouse!~  don't be shy, we're all very friendly here.

new converts to MKR are more than welcome <3

I wish I had access to video clips myself to make some AMVs, I'd so love to for this fandom.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Pixie on September 22, 2014, 08:44:02 PM
Thank you both for the welcome!

Yeah, I'm on tumblr XD I hope you don't mind I followed you, and your blog for nano.

Older animes are really hard  to find, especially in any useable quality (if I could put into words my pain at not finding Sailor Moon clips, it would probably take years to read). I have some avi files for the episodes, but the quality is too poor for me to really work with the way I would like. I'll probably try anyway, but if I post them or not is... still up in the air. The fandom definitely could use some though.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Milieva on October 03, 2014, 04:05:54 PM
Welcome Pixie!! New faces are always welcome around here.

Um.... Guys.... if you just asked, I think I have them in a format that is usable...  Down and I got them off Cami at the UK meet-up.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Down on October 04, 2014, 08:49:25 PM
I never did get those into workable format for me... though the blurays coming out soon might give chance of a better quality, hee!

Also, welcome! :D (Sorry for the delay, wasn't online much the past fortnight~)
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: umi ryuzzki on February 06, 2015, 07:56:45 PM
hii I am umi ryuzzaki I am fan of clemi and I need to know how to add my stuff check me out
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: suzanami on February 07, 2015, 02:23:51 AM
hi, welcome aboard!  not sure which "stuff" you want to post, but feel free to PM me if you have a question.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Mokonalord on February 07, 2015, 03:28:19 PM
Hello. I started as a Rayearth fan about a decade ago, let it fall to the wayside for a while as life got in the way, but am now experiencing a revival of sorts. Made myself a Rayearth sideblog on tumblr (same name), made some posts, sought out some fellow fans, and one of them directed me here. So here I am.

I'm also determined to be the ultimate authority on Ascot, my one and only anime lil brother. :)
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: suzanami on February 07, 2015, 06:00:43 PM
hi Mokonalord!  always good to see the tumblr fandom poke over here <3  revival... that is basically how this forum came to be.  it goes through spurts of activity but feel free to wake up any older threads that you have something to add to!~ 

there is a major Umi/Clef slant to the board here but rest assured you are not the only one who likes Umi/Ascot (http://i109.photobucket.com/albums/n52/blackwhiteorange/gifz/dance-getdown.gif)

but you are in very good company when it comes to Ascot!feels
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Mokonalord on February 07, 2015, 09:20:15 PM
No worries. It'll just be like pineapples. I don't care for them, but ya'll are welcome to eat as much as you like. Plenty of other fruits to enjoy. :)
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Milieva on February 08, 2015, 04:35:45 PM
Welcome, Mokonalord!  New people who actually interact is a joy!  We might have to host a group chat or something soon (probably not until mid-March, as Down and I are flailing with wedding prep and other nonsense at the weekends right not).

Now I just need to remember to post responses again. 
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Down on February 08, 2015, 06:30:07 PM
Welcome! Glad to see the pointing over here worked - places to flail about Rayearth are few and far between and finding another fan is awesome!! Especially one who likes other fruits while I'm sat here clutching the pineapple and wailing at Milieva about how much I love it XD

I'm down/dragon of winter nights over - most of the internet, and can frequently be identified by the high-pitched all-caps flailing about Rayearth in ALL THE PLACES. XDD (Though - yes, slightly quiet at the moment as I just stole Milieva from her own country and we're getting married and all, which apparently takes organising??)

(Also she brought the cats and I am STILL distracted by them about every five seconds...)
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Mokonalord on February 09, 2015, 02:31:11 AM
Okay, I have to say, after I made that pineapple comment, I spent a ridiculously long time wondering what the fruit for Asmi would be, until I had a "DUH!" moment.

Muscat grapes. ::)
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: suzanami on February 09, 2015, 03:35:34 AM
Welcome to Cephiro - a Magic Knight Rayearth fan forum
whether you prefer grapes or pineapple, you are welcome here
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Somariel on March 13, 2015, 06:47:33 PM
Welcome, Mokonalord! It's always nice to have another Asmi fan around.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Ithil on April 10, 2015, 01:32:40 AM
Ok, I don?t know why I?m here. Well, maybe I know it very well ? I?m just a little bit obsessed with Rayearth.
I would like to tell you a story about my connection with this amazing manga, as briefly as I can ? hoping not to bore you.
First of all, forgive me for my bad English. But let?s start.

I remember watching this anime as a child. I watched just a few episodes, but I was really impressed by the drawings. (I?ve recently discovered that the first series was ?censored? in my country: since the ending is certainly not a happy ending, it was maybe considered too cruel for children, and because of this our TV had decided to change it. Therefore, I can say that I?m happy now that I didn?t manage to watch all the episodes a long time ago).
I discovered the whole story of Rayearth thanks to a ?fanbook? (a sort of very small book ? which was part of a series dedicated to anime in general ? wherein all the episodes of the first series were summarized with a written synopsis and frames from the anime. I hope you can see it in this picture that I've found online (it's the first at the top left): http://img3.annuncicdn.it/4e/96/4e966e58f76935aeb87700d72ccfa0df_orig.jpg (http://img3.annuncicdn.it/4e/96/4e966e58f76935aeb87700d72ccfa0df_orig.jpg)) found by chance in my father?s bookstall.
My favourite character has always been Fuu. I don?t know why? maybe because she seems so smart and  kind, but also brave and strong, and beautiful in a non-stereotypical way for manga/anime standards. And I had a huge crush on Ferio.
I read the story a thousand times. Unfortunately I lost that book after a short time. I was so sad!
When I started the first year of high school I met a girl, one of my classmates, who was (and still is) into manga and anime. She lent me the six volumes of Magic Knight Rayearth. I?ll never stop to thank her. This manga has entered in my heart and will never go away. I don?t know why, but it has left a mark within me. I've always thought that the story is too short... but I love it anyway. Especially the first series *-*
When the high school was over, I decided to watch the anime? and I became obsessed even more!
After that, I started to read fan fiction in my native language (Italian), especially the ones regarding my favourite couple ? Fuu and Ferio. Step by step, I bought all the volumes of the manga. I began to become CLAMP-addicted ? I?ve read Chobits, Card Captor Sakura, Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle and the wonderful XxxHolic; I?ve also read the first chapters of RG Veda.
About one year and a half ago I managed to watch the OAV of MKR ? and yes, I loved it! The drawings are so accurate, and I liked the way in which the plot and some characters have been transformed (the new version of Clef is definitely better; and I loved watching Ferio against Fuu!). Dammit? the nostalgia had overwhelmed me again. Maybe because I associate MKR with my childhood?
I?ve looked for new fanfictions and finally I?ve found fanfiction.net. The first story I read, more than one year ago, was ?You Can't Take it Back? by Suzanami (I still want to know how it?s going to end! Argh!).
Suzanami, I would like to thank you. I love your stories. I love the way you describe the characters? feelings; you make me feel those emotions too. Thank you.

I?m so sorry for having bothered you guys? I just wanted to write this.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: suzanami on April 10, 2015, 04:07:10 AM
omg Ithil

hello and welcome and don't apologize you are wonderful  SO KIND TO ME ;u;

I can't believe you are talking about that old fic, I'm blushing.  are you maybe the person who asked me about it on Tumblr?  I really should try and rewrite/finish it, that story did have potential and I am still fond of it  and I get asked about it now and then...

I loved hearing your personal story of MKR!  now that you mention it, I do remember hearing that some versions changed the ending (I want to say one of the video games had a "happy ending" but I could be mistaken).  the sad ending is the very point, though!  silly censors :p

you aren't bothering anyone here, I promise.  we love new members, especially when they have a lot of feelings and things to say.  and I love new members that are Fuu fans  and say kind things to me oh my gosh  I hope you find some other threads that you want to talk in, and hope to see more of you!! :)
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Ithil on April 10, 2015, 08:25:08 PM
Hi Suzanami! I'm so happy to 'meet' you! :D

I'm not on Tumblr, but I love your 'Fuu page' (http://team-hououji.tumblr.com/) and the 'Rayearth page' (http://fuckyeahrayearth.tumblr.com/) *___* And your avatar is simply amazing. I love your fanart as well!

By the way, do you know that the Italian version of Rayearth anime had a different title and changed some characters' names? It was called 'Una porta socchiusa ai confini del sole', which could be translated as 'A half-closed door at the edge of the Sun'... don't ask me why XD
Hikaru's Italian name was Luce (which means 'light'), Umi's name was Marina (which is a real name in Italy and could be translated as 'marine'), and Fuu's name was Anemone (I don't know why they have chosen that name! When I studied ancient Greek, I found out that 'anemos' means 'wind'... So maybe this is the reason behind the name Anemone... But the translators could have chosen 'Aria', which means 'air'...).

I don't know if I can choose this beautiful picture http://www.zerochan.net/1279875 (http://www.zerochan.net/1279875) as my avatar, so I'll wait for your judgment  :)

Fuu and Ferio have always been my favourite OTP <3 (If only they had kissed in the manga/anime...! I hate CLAMP sooo much - and love them at the same time!)
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: suzanami on April 10, 2015, 09:53:45 PM
such a long title!  I think Aria suits her better than Anemone~

Milieva here actually started up the Rayearth tumblr, then added me on as a mod!

it's probably okay to use the fanart in your avatar, but definitely credit the artist (http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=40208) in your signature.  if you're not sure how, I can help you do that, just send me a Private Message. (https://cephiro.psynos.net/Themes/heliosmulti_smf20final_b-1/images/im_off.gif)
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Mokonalord on April 11, 2015, 12:02:51 AM
Welcome, Ithil! I gladly pass on the designation of newest member to you. ;D

Just keep in mind that I can't really shut up about Ascot and I'm sure we'll get along fine. Feel free to flail just as much as you want about your favorites.

Currently looking at the Italian names, and- Huh. Aquila Bianca and Piripicchio. My poor limited monolingual brain cannot even begin to comprehend.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Ithil on April 12, 2015, 11:55:36 AM
Hi, Mokonalord!
I love Ascot (and I support Asmi) *-* So yeah, I'm sure we'll get along well!

Aquila Bianca means 'White Eagle', but Piripicchio... oh my gosh, it's simply horrible.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Somariel on April 18, 2015, 06:30:23 AM
Nice to meet you, Ithil. I haven't been on much recently, but it's always nice to get a new member here (especially if they're an Asmi supporter).
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Mokonalord on April 21, 2015, 05:36:04 PM
*singing* I'm bringing Asmi back, (Ascot: *fistpump* YES!) Them other shippers don't know how to act...
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Down on April 27, 2015, 08:06:48 PM
Quote from: Mokonalord on April 21, 2015, 05:36:04 PM
*singing* I'm bringing Asmi back, (Ascot: *fistpump* YES!) Them other shippers don't know how to act...


Is that a challenge? >DDDDDDDDDDD
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Mokonalord on April 27, 2015, 09:09:45 PM
Quote from: Down on April 27, 2015, 08:06:48 PM
Quote from: Mokonalord on April 21, 2015, 05:36:04 PM
*singing* I'm bringing Asmi back, (Ascot: *fistpump* YES!) Them other shippers don't know how to act...


Is that a challenge? >DDDDDDDDDDD
*still singing* Put up your dukes, let's get down to it. Hit me with your best shot! *cue frantic cat* Ah, right, forgot, she doesn't like me singing Pat Benatar. ;D
Title: If introductions are to be made
Post by: Tea on June 15, 2015, 02:27:17 PM
Aaah here I am, making an account hehe.

I am tumblr user generaltea, some of you may know me from my fanart on tumblr, my coffee shop au and the character week streams tumblr user ezkas and I are making.
I watched the anime for the first time years ago (I don't actually remember the exact number of years) and own a very badly translated danish version of the manga, which I treasure deeply.

I hope to have lots of fun with you guys!

- Tea
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Somariel on June 15, 2015, 04:10:48 PM
Pleased to meet you, Tea. I hope you enjoy it here.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Mokonalord on June 15, 2015, 09:49:35 PM
*waves excitedly* HIIII!
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: suzanami on June 16, 2015, 02:36:34 AM
TEA! so excited to see you come by!  do feel free to add to old threads or jump into any conversation at all~
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Tea on June 16, 2015, 10:15:17 PM
Thank you~~ It looks like many things has happened in these forums, I'm looking forwards to being a part of it ^O^
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: shinomu on June 22, 2015, 01:56:01 AM
Hello teeeeaa!!! Welcome!!
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Down on June 24, 2015, 02:40:02 AM
Hi Tea! :D

...Please ignore the fact I may be spamming slightly because SUZ GOT MORE POSTS THAN ME and apparently I feel the need to try to stay the wordiest??? Heh.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: VKiera on June 24, 2015, 11:42:39 PM
Hi, VK here.

I've been meaning to join forever, and I really do mean forever.

Lurker extraordinaire and I suppose I'm most well known for being the queen of crack shipping Eagle and Umi >.> Anywho, hopped over from Tumblr, though I knew you all were here since like, pre tumblr days, been meaning to join for ages. I'm just weirdly shy like that.  *hides under a rug*
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Revolutionaren on June 24, 2015, 11:54:39 PM

I mean, welcome! Feel free to spam the board, no really, resurrect old threads, we need it!
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: suzanami on June 25, 2015, 12:24:51 AM
aaah awesome!  so you know how ridiculous we can be here, that gets that awkwardness out of the way.  and you're in good company with Umi/Eagle, I know we definitely talked about it in the past somewhere, so do feel free to pep up that thread if you can find it XD
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: VKiera on June 25, 2015, 12:41:02 AM
Quote from: suzanami on June 25, 2015, 12:24:51 AM
aaah awesome!  so you know how ridiculous we can be here, that gets that awkwardness out of the way.  and you're in good company with Umi/Eagle, I know we definitely talked about it in the past somewhere, so do feel free to pep up that thread if you can find it XD

To be honest I'm not even sure when I posted that, I wouldn't even know where to start looking for it! haha
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: suzanami on June 25, 2015, 01:37:48 AM
Quote from: VKiera on June 25, 2015, 12:41:02 AM
Quote from: suzanami on June 25, 2015, 12:24:51 AM
aaah awesome!  so you know how ridiculous we can be here, that gets that awkwardness out of the way.  and you're in good company with Umi/Eagle, I know we definitely talked about it in the past somewhere, so do feel free to pep up that thread if you can find it XD

To be honest I'm not even sure when I posted that, I wouldn't even know where to start looking for it! haha

oh I found it!  had to dig a little.  it was in Rarabai, which is the forum gutter (coughNSFWcough) which, iirc, isn't public?  you have to be logged in to view it.  their post wasn't too NSFWy -- https://cephiro.psynos.net/index.php?topic=328.0  looks like one of your fics was even recced!
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: VKiera on June 25, 2015, 01:52:50 AM
Quote from: suzanami on June 25, 2015, 01:37:48 AM
Quote from: VKiera on June 25, 2015, 12:41:02 AM
Quote from: suzanami on June 25, 2015, 12:24:51 AM
aaah awesome!  so you know how ridiculous we can be here, that gets that awkwardness out of the way.  and you're in good company with Umi/Eagle, I know we definitely talked about it in the past somewhere, so do feel free to pep up that thread if you can find it XD

To be honest I'm not even sure when I posted that, I wouldn't even know where to start looking for it! haha

oh I found it!  had to dig a little.  it was in Rarabai, which is the forum gutter (coughNSFWcough) which, iirc, isn't public?  you have to be logged in to view it.  their post wasn't too NSFWy -- https://cephiro.psynos.net/index.php?topic=328.0  looks like one of your fics was even recced!

fff...Now I'm kinda pleased at being mentioned and equally embarrassed, haha
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Somariel on June 25, 2015, 10:09:51 AM
Nice to see you here, VK. I've had a few of your fics Favorited on FFN for ages.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Ruben77 on June 30, 2015, 01:01:42 AM
Ruben77 here.
I just arrived by accident (or someone may have summoned me while I was having dinner).

I've been an MKR fan since ancient times for several years.

hope to have a fine time here with you all :)
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: suzanami on June 30, 2015, 01:41:34 AM
hi, Ruben, welcome to the forum!~  feel free to dive into any current or old discussions if you have anything to add!  we'd love to get to know you and I'm sure you'll meet our little crew soon enough.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Mokonalord on June 30, 2015, 02:13:26 AM
Welcome, VKiera and Ruben77! We are a strange but friendly bunch, so don't let that scare you. ;D
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Somariel on June 30, 2015, 11:11:55 AM
Nice to meet you, Ruben. I'm sure you'll get used to us soon enough.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Down on June 30, 2015, 12:16:18 PM
Heya, both of you! Welcome~ hope you enjoy it here :D (we're all nice, promise~)
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: magicknightofwind on July 26, 2015, 11:37:02 PM
Hi! I'm Pam and I joined from Tumblr - Suzanami linked me here. I'm so happy to have found this forum!

I'm 16, and have been a MKR fan for about 5 years. Actually, when I was much younger, I had purchased a MKR OVA tape at a thrift store and was originally into then. However, being so young, I really didn't comprehend much of it.

Over the years, MKR has become the anime that stays in my heart. I dedicated so much of my time to this fandom, and I'm ready to dedicate more.

My two friends and I (who all watched MKR) used to be a trio, with me being Fuu, she was and always will be my favorite. Along with Fuuio - they're basically my OTP for life.

Also I really want to kiss Ferio. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I look forward to chatting with you all! <3
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: suzanami on July 26, 2015, 11:52:36 PM
hi! *waves*  haha you made it, welcome to the madhouse.  always nice to have more Team Fuu on the board *waves flag*

since your username is a bit long you'll probably end up with a nickname, that usually happens around here.  you want to go by Pam or, like, Windy or something I dunno?

Quote from: magicknightofwind on July 26, 2015, 11:37:02 PM
Also I really want to kiss Ferio. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

that is truly is the dream.  I cope by making Fuu kiss him a lot, it eases the ache.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: magicknightofwind on July 27, 2015, 12:27:45 AM
team fuu/team ferio/ team fuuio all the way -waves 3 flags; (I got the whole -...; rp thing from facebook so idek)

whatever username you all want to give me is fine! Windy sounds cute.

one day it'll happen..........in my dreams.

Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Mokonalord on July 27, 2015, 01:50:30 AM
And a hearty welcome to you from your neighborhood Ascot Authority!
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Somariel on July 27, 2015, 04:15:11 PM
Nice to meet you, Windy! I suppose you could call me the forum's resident Hikaru fan.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Ithil on August 02, 2015, 03:03:52 PM
Hello Tea, VKiera, Ruben77, and Windy! ;D

(I'be been disappeared for a while, but now I'm baaack XD)

Quote from: suzanami on July 26, 2015, 11:52:36 PM

Quote from: magicknightofwind on July 26, 2015, 11:37:02 PM
Also I really want to kiss Ferio. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

that is truly is the dream.  I cope by making Fuu kiss him a lot, it eases the ache.

YESSS that's my dream as well! Ahah!
Team Fuu (and Fuurio) forever. Windy, I'm sure we'll get along well!
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: MTG on August 14, 2015, 02:24:06 PM
Hi there.
I wandered aimlessly seraching RAYEARTH and found this forum through 'In My Heart'.
(about 3~4 months ago?)

Even if I can talk with english(slow), I'm not native English.
Yeah hard to quick reply.

In spite of the some obstacle, I wish to enjoy with forum and you.
thanks for reading.

PS. well... Am I correct post?
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Ithil on August 14, 2015, 04:47:49 PM
Hello, Rihye! Welcome to the forum! I'm not a native English speaker as well, so I know exactly what you mean! ;)
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: suzanami on August 14, 2015, 05:27:05 PM
welcome, Rihye!  there's a lot of non-native speakers of English here.  if you ever need something stated more clearly, just ask, it should be fine.  hope to see you posting around the forum soon!
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Somariel on August 14, 2015, 11:56:16 PM
Nice to meet you, Rihye! I hope you'll like it here.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: dhiver on August 17, 2015, 08:34:57 PM
Since I've been gone for a few years (3?) now, I thought I'd reintroduce myself.

I discovered MKR when I was quite young and it shaped a large part of my childhood - back then, my friends and I would each assume a role and be magic knights together. It was really silly, but I remembered having a blast pretending Cephiro was real. It's really no wonder that more than a decade later I am still attached to the fandom *__*

I love to read and draw but I have the worst work ethic, so I publish 0% of the things I start. :( I have a folder filled of half-baked and half-written stories that I hope to one day revisit. Many kudos to down for being able to write as much as she does...YOU'RE STILL WRITING RIGHT DOWN? I HAVEN'T FORGOTTEN YOU AND YOUR DAMNED STORY.

I will probably ship Clef/Umi to the day I die, but I'm also a big fan of Fuu/Ferio. I enjoy one-sided Umi/Eagle or any sort of character study on Clef (especially thinking about Cephirian customs or Clef's past - I mean, he wasn't always short and grumpy/formal! He must of had a some sort of young-adulthood filled with booze, girls and partying...maybe?!?).

Nice to meet you guys, old and new! And also very happy to see there are still some familiar names around.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: suzanami on August 18, 2015, 01:08:01 AM
haha I saw your name on the new posts and was like "who tf is dhiver" but I recognize your avatar XD  welcome back!  excited to have you around again!
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Down on September 14, 2015, 10:35:30 PM
I am terrible, I had this page open to reply and then apparently forgot I had not actually written a message yet. Sorry!

Hi Rihye! Welcome to the forum, I hope you have fun here and stay a while!

Quote from: dhiver on August 17, 2015, 08:34:57 PM
Many kudos to down for being able to write as much as she does...YOU'RE STILL WRITING RIGHT DOWN? I HAVEN'T FORGOTTEN YOU AND YOUR DAMNED STORY.

HI DHIVER I'M STILL WORKING ON IT PROMISE blame Milieva she makes me try to do housework
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: ezkas on April 25, 2016, 03:39:41 PM
Hi guys, introduction time? Man, this has always been the part of class I've been terrible at. "Please tell everyone 3 interesting things about yourself!"

Uh ... I have 2 cats ... and I like to read ... also I love bad jokes ...

([tiny voice in the distance]: the worst.)

Anyway, howdy. I'm ezkas or eliza or eli. A couple of you probably recognize me from tumblr. There was a thread to post your bio, rayearth style, so I thought that would be a fun way to introduce myself so here we go.

Name (first name or just username/s are fine): eliza
Title: [squints at this question] like ... miss or --? "#2 Ascot Stan"? "#1 Campaigner for Cephirian Housing"?
Birthday: August 13th
Astrological Sign: I'm always lion
Age: 24
Blood type: A-
Hair color: dark brown
Eye color: dark brown
Height: smol
Favorite food: food that is good for your health and food that is good for your soul in equal measure
Least favorite food: stuff with weird texture ... like eggs, oh my god, eggs. OR GUMMIE BEARS.
Favorite class: all required classes are jail, but all subject matter is fun!
Least favorite class: JAIL
Extracurriculars: JAIL PART 2: THE RETURN OF JAIL 
Hobbies: drawing, learning, tabletop gaming, I want to get back into writing but GOD it's hard mad respect for every writer ever, long walks in the sun or fun physical activities like ice skating or swimming
Specialties: I guess I specialize in relational systems, given I know a couple of fields related to design (bits of game design, instruction design, graphic design, coding, etc.)
Favorite color: I have a soft spot for pink
Career Hopes: to combine all the things I love to do and to have a job where I am always learning! I'm working hard at it rn!
Family: I have some, they are good people
Magic Element: My fire sign-ness is pretty mad strong
Miscellaneous: I love the word menagerie

Since this a rayearth board, I guess it's appropriate to end on a rayearth comment? Hmmm. I don't really remember how long I've been into rayearth. Like, I was so young I can't remember the date. For all you Americans out there, I bought it on VHS. At a Suncoast. Yeeeeah.

I will always treasure it as my first anime I've ever bought. I refuse to get rid of the VHS tapes I have even though I have no way of watching it anymore. 
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Somariel on April 25, 2016, 09:49:52 PM
Nice to meet you, ezkas. It's always great to have another Rayearth fan join the forums.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: ezkas on April 26, 2016, 12:59:03 AM
Thanks, Somariel! <3 Good to be here.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: VKiera on April 26, 2016, 04:35:52 AM
Run for your life. *cough* I mean welcome! Hope you enjoy our particular form of madness, it's all good fun!
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: ezkas on April 26, 2016, 12:37:08 PM
Quote from: VKiera on April 26, 2016, 04:35:52 AM
Run for your life. *cough* I mean welcome! Hope you enjoy our particular form of madness, it's all good fun!

But to where? In what direction? From who? Do I need holy water???

Thanks for the hello! I'm sure I will enjoy the madness. :D
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Mokonalord on April 30, 2016, 07:01:50 PM
dhiver and ezkas, welcome!

dhiver, I'm one of those Ascot/Umi shippers your momma always warned you about, but no worries, I try to play nice. You do you.

ezkas, your recognition of my Ascot Authority is most satisfactory. You will die last er, I mean, I'm sure you'll go far when the time comes I'll give you a head start I mean, no, none of us here are anything to worry about! Especially not me! *takes holy water, dumps it on self* See? Nothing to- DEAR MOKONA IT BURNS!!
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: ezkas on May 01, 2016, 05:48:22 PM
Ascot may be my fav outside the girls, but hey. I know the real authority when I see it.

Somebody'll have to challenge me for #1 Advocate for Cephirian housing, though. I swear, I looked through the season 1 equivalent of the manga the other day and I did not see a single. Civilian. House. Not one.

(It shows the inside of Presea's house, but that's more like an elaborate mouse trap than a house ...)

It reminded me of your post about Zagato's hideout back on tumblr. I've concluded he has a waterfall for a hideout because there just aren't houses in Cephiro. The housing market is in the trash. He couldn't find a house, let alone a good functioning evil stronghold.

So those waterfalls function as noise blockers so the evil underlings don't kill each other. That, or so Zagato doesn't develop a headache from all the bickering that would occur.

Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: MTG on May 03, 2016, 01:28:06 PM
Hi, ezkas.
Nice to meet you. :)
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: ezkas on May 04, 2016, 12:39:53 PM
Hi and nice to meet you as well, MTG!
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: suzanami on May 08, 2016, 09:28:17 PM
hey, welcome to the forum! :>  always nice to see familiar faces crossing between here and tamblr.

I got my whole first season of Rayearth on VHS at Suncoast too.  ah, the memories of hunting to see if the next subbed one was in stock. :x
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Ithil on June 21, 2016, 05:20:06 PM
Nice to meet you, ezkas! Sorry for the late reply!  :D
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Cerulean Firefly on September 23, 2016, 01:46:43 PM
I am a mysterious earthling known as Cerulean Firefly, or as I am named upon this planet as Krystal. I go by either. I've been a fan of Magic knight rayearth since I was 17 in high school one of my dear friends introduced me to this beautiful world of Cephiro and I've been hooked ever since.  I'm still obsessed with it here into my current age of  31. XD I  wrote a few fanfictions, but I've never felt confident to post them anywhere. I am also an artist , crafter, cosplayer, art officianado. I don't know if anyone will ever read this because I don't know if the forum is dead, but regardless nice to meet you.  ^×^
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: VKiera on September 24, 2016, 12:44:17 AM
Welcome Firefly! Don't worry we're not dead, just a bit quiet! Feel free to poke around and post in older threads!
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Somariel on September 25, 2016, 12:52:08 PM
Nice to meet you, Firefly. Like VKiera said, the forum's not dead, it just tends to be slow and quiet. I hope you'll enjoy it here.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Mokonalord on September 25, 2016, 03:04:01 PM
Welcome! Cannot speak for the rest of us, but I for one am not dead, just sporadic. By all means, share your thoughts/fanfics/whatever.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Ithil on September 29, 2016, 08:13:58 PM
Hello, Cerulean Firefly! I really like your nickname! :)  We're obsessed with Rayearth too - it's always good to meet new people who share your interests! As I always say, Rayerath fandom is like a family  :D
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Eizme on October 19, 2016, 04:17:12 AM
:) hi, I might be a bit late for this fandom LOL.. uhm am I? please forgive me with my grammar, im not very good in english pls bare with me. I am really trying hard with this  ;)

So where should i start.. Uhm... I am eIzme, a bit obsessed with Magic Knight Rayearth since i was in grade school (well i am already on my mid twenties now). I am not a writer or an artist but because of this fandom obsession I think I will be learning to be such.

I am a die hard Clef x Umi shipper (Though i just started like last month). I have read a lot of fan fiction of them and i must say, Milieva's work is just the best. I also started to make a fan fiction based on my own imagination because i was not really satisfied with MKRs ending (I never thought it was kinda hard to put it in writing) and i was like (Thats it?? She didn't even told him what she truly felt?) It was such a cliff hanger, a terrible cliff hanger rather.

I post my work on my tumblr which i just made a few weeks from now... LOL i am such a newbie...

I posted some of my favorite fan art and fan fic which i searched from google. All credits to the owner.

I also have my own fan fiction posted there but it wasn't finished yet. I only finished 1 chapter out of uhmmm... many i think. so please if you are interested might as well check it out..

Im not against other pairing in MKR, I even like Eagle x Umi pairing LOL.. but i apologize that i am not really into Clef x Presea/Sierra or Ascot x Umi.. it was hard for me to imagine those pairing and i was like (NO! No! Never!)... but i'm not gonna start a war of shippers here.. I just said my own opinion pls. no hard feelings.. I really love to make friends with you all... Peace!  :D

[Milieva: Links removed. No advertising outside of the appropriate board, please.]
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Milieva on October 19, 2016, 03:40:19 PM
Yes, let's not start a shipping war because that will get you banned. This forum is ten years old and we have yet to actually have a proper argument about ships here.  Down and I are age old U/C fans.  MokonaLord is an Umi/Ascot fan. We can all three agree that Ascot/Umi/Clef as a is acceptable and cute.  While Rev sits over there judging us for even shipping Clef with anyone because she totally headcanons him as ace.

You are now into the realm of crack ships.  We get new ones flailed every few years.

And thank you for the complements on my fics. I do suggest you read things by our other members. I have moved halfway across the world due to adoring DragonofWinterNights's Protecting You. Which is totally a suggestion. I still need to work out the whole Cephiro  fic archive thing.

You are welcome to post links in the relevant sections on the forum.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Ithil on October 19, 2016, 07:32:32 PM
Hello, Eizme! Welcome! Nice to meet you! :D It's never too late to join the fandom! My OTP is Fuu/Ferio, but I also like Ascot/Umi or even Eagle/Umi  ;D Hope you'll enjoy it here!
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Eizme on October 20, 2016, 07:52:13 AM
Oh my goodness.. Thank you ithil.. I was just surprised to know that there are still some people who still actually fandoms MKR, i thought the anime was a bit old and forgotten.. I am happy to know you all  :D im sorry if i posted a link here i was just too overwhelm knowing u all ..
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Ithil on October 20, 2016, 04:18:23 PM
Ahahah, yesss we're still here! It's so great, isn't it? I love how a story, a manga in this case, can unite people from all over the world. Rayearth has "changed" our lives, in a way... We're still thinking about it, we're still imagining incredible stories about how it should have ended or how it could go on after the ending of the second series. We love those characters and we like to fantasize about their inner developments, their backgrounds, their relationships.
Even if you're a Clemi fan, I'm sure we'll get along well.  :D
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Eizme on October 21, 2016, 09:35:59 AM
 ;D Thanks for that warm welcome... I still envy Fuu/Ferio for having a lot of fan art.. LoL i kept on seeing them on my dashboard.. Hmpft... But anyway im pleased that i am being recognized in this site.

And as for all...

i dont really care who your OTPs are but as long we shared interest in MKR im pretty sure we could get along well  :) but my loyalty will be on Clef/Umi eventhough i am caught with the thoughts of Eagle/Umi LoL
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Somariel on November 17, 2016, 04:24:10 PM
I know this very belated, but nice to meet you, Eizme. I'm the board's resident Hikaru/Lantis/Eagle shipper (since I vastly prefer the manga over the anime).
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Eizme on November 19, 2016, 04:29:29 AM

Thank you and nice meeting you too ^,^ I'm still checking out on this site from time to time looking for some active members LOL... You may not like that i sometimes ship Eagle/Umi but i hope we could be friends   ;D
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Somariel on December 02, 2016, 03:41:45 PM
Quote from: Eizme on November 19, 2016, 04:29:29 AM

Thank you and nice meeting you too ^,^ I'm still checking out on this site from time to time looking for some active members LOL... You may not like that i sometimes ship Eagle/Umi but i hope we could be friends   ;D

We can definitely be friends. I wouldn't be what passes for a regular on this forum if I couldn't deal with reasonable and civilized supporters of competing ships.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Shiidou Hikaru on October 28, 2017, 03:28:39 AM
Hello Milieva! It seems like I never introduced myself even though I've had an account here for a really long time O.o;; I can't remember why, but I'm really sorry about that. Maybe it's because I've seen a lot of different anime series over all of that time and haven't been doing much with Rayearth in recent times. I still haven't forgotten though and Rayearth will always be one of my favorites!
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Milieva on October 28, 2017, 11:02:00 AM
I send you my belated welcome greetings, then.

I think you wandered over here from a link I must have posted on your Rayearth forum ages back. Probably...  But that was years ago.

The forum is a bit quiet lately, but we are all still around.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Shiidou Hikaru on November 01, 2017, 01:24:29 AM
It's really awesome to see that you're still around because I haven't seen hardly any posts on my old forum anymore. It's kinda sad, but hopefully I can still come here and visit again.

There were a lot of kids at my house tonight and a gave out almost all of the candy. There's a little bit left, but I have to be sure there is not a lot because I will eat all of the leftovers myself ^_^;; I saw a Harry Potter and a Hermione come to the door, but they were not in the same group together. (I'm kind of a big HP nut too lol)
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: milady on December 12, 2017, 12:08:11 AM
I was really ecstatic to find this place, Rayearth is a classic and one of my favorite animes, and i finally found a place to discuss this series that's not tumblr . Thank you so much for this forum!
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: VKiera on December 13, 2017, 10:31:36 PM
Quote from: milady on December 12, 2017, 12:08:11 AM
I was really ecstatic to find this place, Rayearth is a classic and one of my favorite animes, and i finally found a place to discuss this series that's not tumblr . Thank you so much for this forum!

Hi, milday! Sorry for the late reply. Welcome to the madhouse!

The forum can be a bit slow at times, but try to check in.
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Milieva on December 15, 2017, 12:56:48 PM
Quote from: milady on December 12, 2017, 12:08:11 AM
I was really ecstatic to find this place, Rayearth is a classic and one of my favorite animes, and i finally found a place to discuss this series that's not tumblr . Thank you so much for this forum!

Welcome! We're happy to have you here. This forum has existed since before Tumblr, and it is my goal that it should outlast it.

Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Shiidou Hikaru on December 22, 2017, 03:21:06 AM
Hihi milady! It's always good to meet another Rayearth fan! :)
Title: Re: Introductions
Post by: Ithil on January 13, 2018, 09:08:34 PM
Hello, Milady! Hello, Shiidou Hikaru (hey, I'm a Potterhead too haha)! Nice to meet you  ;D