As much as we love most of the regular cast, the universes of Magic Knight Rayearth don't just consist of them. So, here's the place to tell us about the MKR Original Characters you've developed. Maybe give us a name, a bit about who they are/what they do/where they show up, if you'd be okay with others 'borrowing' said characters in their stuff, whatever. This isn't just limited to quality OCs either, so feel free to post about your most blatant self-inserts or cliche stock characters! Will post some of mine later.
I'm pretty proud to say I've never done a self insert into fanfiction, lol, but I do have some OCs.
Camry- White hair, maroon eyes, failed Pillar candidate from Cephiro's ancient past, see's the future in dreams and can manipulate time and space to some degree. Fights with two double edged daggers. He's a pretty predominate character in my fic Ice and Snow, he drives a lot of the plot along with a certain time space witch we all know...
Solara- Also failed Pillar candidate, along with her youngest sister, tall, white blond hair blue eyes, fights with light based spells and a rapier sword that also transforms into a whip of light.
Sentra- Younger sister to Solara, failed pillar candidate, failed at the same time as her sister Solara. Dark and shadow spells, some of them snake like in appearance. Green eyes, short dark hair, has a bad attitude problem, mostly with Camry.
Versa- The middle sister of the three, became Pillar in her time, met the same fate as all previous Pillars.
Impreza-Failed pillar candidate, auburn hair, silver eyes. Hates Cephiro, blames it for what happened to her brother who was Pillar during her time. Wields a sword made from a poisonous mineral.
Elantra- Purple eyes, corkscrew curly brown hair, batshit crazy, wields a scythe, she will fuck you up. Raised by Impreza.
These OCs are actually all in Ice and Snow, never really needed any OCs for anything else I've written. Though if I ever get around to writing that remake of season two where the Princess fails to sends the Knights back to Earth I'll prolly make a whole slew of OCs for that.
Thank you for sharing your OCs!
I used to be very against OCs but my friend Adiaskyfire persuaded me to add two extra characters to 'Flowers Will Bloom Without a Pillar" than I added more and more. The reason I add them is not just because of Adiaskyfire, but also I feel there should be more people protecting the civilians other than Lafarga, Ferio, Caldinia, Ascot, Clef and Lantis!
Here are the description of my existing ones and they are blatantly based on characters from my other favorite shows.
Amati: A priest of Cephiro, have dark blue hair, sharp blue gray eyes, handsome, tough and strong, appears stern and standoffish but is very kind deep down. He has a crosier which shoots lightning sparks. He can even conjure a lightning phoenix which is like the equivalent of a patronus. He believes Cephiro would rise on its own again like a Phoenix.
Kendrah: Amati's love interest. She has long dark hair and bluebell coloured eyes. She is elegant, refined, very pretty. She is the daugher of the mayor of the village where Mira and her friend lives. She maintains an elegant, genteel air and smiles no matter what she thinks
She plays the harp and her weapon is a naginata that shoots bluebell coloured flames.
Zenvo: An ice prince with blond hair and ice blue eyes. He is like the archetypal prince charming and well loved by the children He reminds the knights of a strong and graceful white swan. His charming manners and radiant smiles hides the sorrow he has of losing a loved one in the past.
His weapon is a wand that shoot icicles out.
Giovanna: Amati's younger sister, has long green ringlets and white skin and big turquoise eyes. Wears a red dress, uses chains to fight but she has highly destructive wind powers she resorts to only when all else fails. She looks like an ingenue princess but is much more than that.
Hey, started this thread a while back, never posted any of my own, go figure.
High Palu Vue: Palu Vue is a mid-to-high proficiency summoner who ended up in the rank of High Palu mostly because so many other palus died either trying to defeat Zagato/save Emeraude or as a result of one of the new disasters befalling the land. Despite the new responsibilities, she still teaches beginner-to-intermediate summoning, and as part of Ascot's 'probation', he has to take classes from her.
It's a disaster. Vue knew most of the Palus that died, some were her teachers, some were her students, and it's practically impossible for her not to resent Ascot for his part in their deaths (the fact that he's already better at summoning than she is doesn't help, either).
Needless to say, they never get along. Both are relieved when Clef eventually takes over Ascot's instruction.
When not dealing with people she can't forgive, she's a perfectly reasonable, patient instructor who most of her students speak well of, if not fondly. In her High Palu responsibilities, she is competent enough.
If anyone else wants to use her somewhere, just let me know. Currently she's just standing by until I actually get somewhere in Mid Knight Skies.
I have... I think the last count of the protecting you 'verse characters had me at aboooooooooout 250 of them.
Some turn up to do a job for a chapter and are gone again! Others - well, I've got a council of Cephiro and a bunch of politicians and (at least one) assassin etc etc etc.
The two who have started turning up in other fic (and totally have a sidefic of their own but it's made of spoilers so only Mils has read it) are Zafira, the new Soru, who is very BY THE BOOK about - everything - and stern, and looks rather like Zagato's ghost from a distance, which really doesn't help with the damage control she's having to do to get anything done. Not wearing a white set of the same priests robes as he usually did isn't helping but mostly people are too nervous of her to get close enough they'd tell her. Clef doesn't know what to make of her, the feeling is mutual.
The head of the healer's guild (Beru), Miura, is the other. Short, roundish, grumpy with people for getting themselves hurt and STOP YELLING AT MY MINIONS WHEN THEY TELL YOU YOU NEED TO SLEEP, CLEF. One of her grandparents was a water spirit which helps with her healing - she's very good at sensing what's wrong with people (after all, we're mostly water). She only usually yells at Clef. Mostly. In charge of Eagle's healing - he's a good patient, she likes Eagle, this goes away a little when he wakes up and starts pushing too hard, he gets Sternly Lectured at that point. No one can technically outrank her because she can always declare herself their healer (hi Clef) which gives automatic right to stop them doing anything too stupid to themselves, and she isnt in awe of any of the council. However she has pretty much no interest in politics and tends to think the arguing is stupid so sometimes stops paying attention when she should be. She really, really cares. And she's one of very few people of high power who survived in post through Emeraude's fall - which may well explain why she doesn't care who she yells at now, she has had enough with people's stupidity hurting others and watching all her patients go out to fight again and again and die. She has no offensive magic at all or she'd probably have snapped and gone to fight Zagato so she didn't have to watch her patients dying anymore.
She likes how straightforward Zafira is. They've been in a relationship since sometime during Emeraude's fall, well before Zafira's promotion. Not many people have noticed, even though they're actually living together by now! And both of them are very dedicated to their work, it hasn't really occured to people they might have private lives too. Though it's not a secret, everyone who has to fetch one of them for an emergency knows, they just don't get gossiped about much either. XD
They are turning up in everything now because I can't be arsed inventing people to wander through the background of things when they're already ready to go? Er. Also I might be really rather fond of Miura. XD
In a completely different vein, there is Kuregu. Who is a character I hate so much the first time I ever decided to do a sequel to protecting you it was so I could murder him, because he's an antagonist in Protecting You but not one they could actually pin anything on - he is a career politician who maintains his and his land's position by any means necessary, frequently blackmail, and I HATEEEEEEEEE HIM HE IS A NASTY THING.
..................He really does think He Knows What Is Best For Dleivus, and will impose this on the rest of the universe without compunction or morals.
Writing him getting stabbed in the back sixteen times is very cathartic!
Quote from: Down on July 27, 2016, 06:19:07 PM
The head of the healer's guild (Beru), Miura, is the other.
@Down: According to the copy of your career titles chart that I have saved on my computer, the head of the healer's guild is called Naru and it's the head of the clerk's guild that gets called Beru.
On the subject of OCs, I don't actually have that many right now, although a few of my WIPs are definitely going to require at least a few. The ones I do have, for the most part, aren't very developed and are as follows:
Avensis, head of the healer's guild. (I borrowed Down's guild structure wholesale, since it made so much sense)
Previa and Camry, the oldest and second-oldest children, respectively, of Hikaru, Lantis, and Eagle. Both Previa and Camry are girls. Camry ends up gaining magic by accident at the age of five when she runs into the ring while Hikaru and Lantis are resolving a verbal fight with magic.
Carina and Sirion, Eagle's mother and father, respectively. My ideas for Carina are a wholesale adoption of Down's headcanon here (
Quote from: Somariel on April 09, 2017, 04:58:55 PM
Quote from: Down on July 27, 2016, 06:19:07 PM
The head of the healer's guild (Beru), Miura, is the other.
@Down: According to the copy of your career titles chart that I have saved on my computer, the head of the healer's guild is called Naru and it's the head of the clerk's guild that gets called Beru.
Ah, blast, so it is. I LIKE BERU BETTER but I remember why I went with Naru. ....................................................I MAY switch them, if I keep accidentally switching them (also now I need to go fix things I've written recently, blah! XDD)
(If anyone is curious, the guild structure I came up with is here: on tumblr (
Quote from: Somariel on April 09, 2017, 04:58:55 PM
Quote from: Down on July 27, 2016, 06:19:07 PM
The head of the healer's guild (Beru), Miura, is the other.
Previa and Camry, the oldest and second-oldest children, respectively, of Hikaru, Lantis, and Eagle. Both Previa and Camry are girls. Camry ends up gaining magic by accident at the age of five when she runs into the ring while Hikaru and Lantis are resolving a verbal fight with magic.
Carina and Sirion, Eagle's mother and father, respectively. My ideas for Carina are a wholesale adoption of Down's headcanon here (
I'm highly amused, I have a Camry too, but it's a guy that's older than Clef is and a failed Pillar candidate from Cephiro's ancient past. It's a good car/people name haha.
I headcanon Eagle's family and some of the stuff from Autozam a lot more differently, but I love Down's version too! (Eagle's mom sounds super cool) In my fic Eagle's mother is dead, died from the same thing he almost did. Though I haven't decided if it was during the war or not, or due to her over doing it during the war. I have Autozam's history being they've just come out of a civil war not long before, like maybe been out of it just a few years. They originally had a monarchy at one point, there was a revolt, royal family was killed off, al la the Russian royal family style, but then they ended up with a dictator. After one generation of that, another war, this time a form of democracy wins and thus we end up with Eagle's father as president. Eagle fought in that part of the war, though he was super young like the Magic Knight's age. But he was such a good pilot they could hardly tell him no.
There's a part of me that if I ever get around to writing that alternate season 2 story I want to do that has the magic knights never making it back to Earth after season one and getting separated and trapped in different countries. I want to get into the stuff with a cou from Autozam's major trade partner (an OC country basically that wasn't interested in invading Cephiro) trying to reestablish the monarchy at some point because Autozam's original royal family married into this country's royal family, so they feel they have a legit claim to the throne. With some traditionalist supporters in Autozam who feel that it's the current government's fault that the country's environment is going to hell in a handbasket.
Quote from: VKiera on April 10, 2017, 01:32:58 AM
There's a part of me that if I ever get around to writing that alternate season 2 story I want to do that has the magic knights never making it back to Earth after season one and getting separated and trapped in different countries. I want to get into the stuff with a cou from Autozam's major trade partner (an OC country basically that wasn't interested in invading Cephiro) trying to reestablish the monarchy at some point because Autozam's original royal family married into this country's royal family, so they feel they have a legit claim to the throne. With some traditionalist supporters in Autozam who feel that it's the current government's fault that the country's environment is going to hell in a handbasket.
Oooooooooooooooooooooooh *waves hands* I am interested in this fic!
Quote from: Down on April 10, 2017, 09:40:03 PM
Quote from: VKiera on April 10, 2017, 01:32:58 AM
There's a part of me that if I ever get around to writing that alternate season 2 story I want to do that has the magic knights never making it back to Earth after season one and getting separated and trapped in different countries. I want to get into the stuff with a cou from Autozam's major trade partner (an OC country basically that wasn't interested in invading Cephiro) trying to reestablish the monarchy at some point because Autozam's original royal family married into this country's royal family, so they feel they have a legit claim to the throne. With some traditionalist supporters in Autozam who feel that it's the current government's fault that the country's environment is going to hell in a handbasket.
Oooooooooooooooooooooooh *waves hands* I am interested in this fic!
Seconded. I also like your Autozam backstory, VK.
hoo boy. back in 2001 or so, I was toying with the idea of a Ferio backstory fic (it was incredibly dull of course). he had this partner (as in "in crime", not as in "in bed") named Lexas. she had the same basic outfit as him (which I've since noticed is a generic Cephiro outfit in s1) and looked similar to Fuu except with blue eyes. ugh. anyway, she died when Cephiro started to show tremors of crumblings before the Knights were summoned, and he was sad, etc. he noticed that Fuu reminded him of Lexas when he met them.
thankfully I never wrote any of it.
I mean, and I've also had OC-as-needed for fic scenes, but they absolutely do not matter.
I've been having a bit of fun with OCs lately. Especially because I am working on my epic drama. (I don't think I can fully class it as romance right now, really.....) But I have one that I currently adore.
Aveo is Clef's Seneschal. I originally had her as just like the housekeeper or something, but since reworking the plot and realising what all she does, being the second in command in Clef's ward makes sense. She's a little bit taller than both Umi and Clef, with dark-ish hair. She tends to dress rather utilitarianly, wearing simple practical robes and clothing. She's powerful enough to be warden on her own but isn't interested in the politics. She just minds the business of the Ward for Clef and keeps track of his accounts as well, because he's terrible with money in a how-does-money-work-again sort of way.