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Messages - mazokuyuusuke

Tomodachi Desho / Re: Holy shit! A Gallery
January 21, 2007, 03:29:01 AM
Cool Rayearth stuff! ^_^ I have quite a few, too. If I ever stop being lazy, I'll scan them and show you sometime. ^-^ Now, if I remember correctly, my newest Rayearth collectable I got was... hmm, I think it was my set of 4 wallets or that Clef pin I got. ^_^ Hehehe, I'm such a Clef freak. ^^;;
Yami no Yume / Re: Introductions
August 20, 2006, 11:23:49 PM
Heh, hey, everyone, it's Emiko-chan! ^^ Since my username was kinda confusing to others, I changed it to mazokuyuusuke, so hopefully, you'll reconize me. I'm gonna try my best to post here often, I do love Rayearth. ^-^ Well, I guess that's it. Bye-bye, to everyone here, and I'll talk to you all later! Ja ne! ^_^