FuckYeahRayearth hit 1000 followers!

Started by suzanami, June 22, 2015, 07:21:52 PM

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FuckYeahRayearth hit 1000 followers the other day! 

thank you so much to Mils for starting it up and for letting me take care of it.  I run about a dozen or so fuckyeahs but FYR is my priority, I absolutely love doing it.  we've got a few forum members that've heard of us from FYR, and in turn we've made the Rayearth fandom on Tumblr bigger.

I've been kind of drunk on fandom feels the last couple days as the Hikaru/Umi/Fuu Weeks have been winding down, feeling sappy about how long a lot of us have known each other, and just really happy that even though there are other series that I love just as much as Rayearth, this is My Fandom, my community, and everyone in it is awesome.
• le tumblr —> mainfandomdrawings

Yessss!!!!  ;D ;D ;D ;D
Also, I love that pic, I keep forgeting it exists (the guys' expressions are real funny XD).