2017 Week 7: Episodes 25-28

Started by Milieva, June 14, 2017, 07:59:05 PM

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This thread is for the discussion of Season 2: episodes 25-28.  Please mind the rewatch rules.

Finally getting around to writing up my extended thoughts on these episodes, although I'm sure I'll be coming back to this post after rewatching the episodes again.

Episode 25
Primera is just so incredibly vain. I can't imagine how her prettiness could have any effect on her ability to sense things and yet she somehow thinks it's necessary to mention how pretty she is during the discussion about the monster Alcyone is standing on.

Zazu is such a Mashin fanboy. I mean, seriously, he literally climbs Geo so that HE can be the one to make the report and thereby gush about the Mashin to Eagle. And actually, now I'm wondering if he might have Asperger's. Because I have it and although I'd never climb someone to create one, I will take any chance I get to gush about whichever of my fandom obsessions I've been thinking about most recently.

Episode 26
Aska is just so adorably ridiculous in her overconfidence and dramaticness. And she's at least as much of a Mashin fangirl as Zazu is a Mashin fanboy (since I will always remember that in the manga she somehow thought is was possible to have a Mashin sleep on/in her bed like a puppy).

I'm really quite amused by how annoyed Aska gets over the Magic Knights constantly dodging her attacks. I mean, what the hell else should they have done? No one sane is just going to sit there and meekly take an attack if they have another option.

For as obsessed with Lantis as she is, Primera sure seems to do a bad job of keeping track of him if she's only just noticing that he's gone. I mean, he must have left when the Dome showed up at the latest, so it's been a while.

Episode 27
Given that Hikaru refers to the room the girls are having tea in as their room in this episode, I really have to wonder where the hell Umi and Fuu sleep. Given how shittily the rest of the season treats them, it would not be at all surprising to learn that they have to sleep on the floor.

Okay, who handed Hikaru the Idiot Ball? Because seriously, there is absolutely NO other reason - not a SINGLE FUCKING ONE - for her to not have TOLD PEOPLE about her dreams once she sees the crown room and recognizes it as the place from her dreams.

And the Proof of the Pillar is such a FUCKING STUPID concept! Needing to have the strength of will to create a Road from Earth back to Cephiro makes SO MUCH MORE sense as a method of Pillar selection. And don't even get me started on how the animators couldn't be bothered to make sure that the circlet in the crown room actually matches the one Emeraude wears.

Then there's the whole "only three objects can open this door" shit. I can understand how Lantis got away with taking the sword out of Cephiro, given that he seems to have left without telling anyone, but is there a back-up plan for if all of the objects get destroyed (like Zagato's chest plate was) or are unavailable for some reason? For that matter, are there rules about who gets to possess the objects? I know that the distribution we're aware of suggests that the Master Mage, the High Priest, and the Captain of the Pillar's Guard are the possessors of the objects, but if that was the case, then Lantis should have left the sword behind when he left Cephiro, since he wasn't the Captain of the Pillar's Guard after he left.

Episode 28
I will never not be amused by Umi's "I'm totally not pacing, I must have teleported over to here" bit in this episode. It's just such a great bit of humor.

I really, really love how calm and unruffled Lantis is when Eagle starts shooting, just standing there coolly confident that he won't be hit. And I KNOW I'm going to be coming back to this episode after I've rewatched it again, because I have a bunch of one-to-three word comments in the rewatch chat that I KNOW went with moments in the fight that I had further thoughts on, but I can remember what either the moments or the thoughts are.

One of these days, I'm really going to have to make my own screencaps of this episode, since it contains the only look we ever get at how Lantis stores his sword behind him.
Of course I'm normal...I'm 90 degrees off from the rest of the world.

Quote from: Somariel on June 20, 2017, 04:44:13 PMZazu is such a Mashin fanboy. I mean, seriously, he literally climbs Geo so that HE can be the one to make the report and thereby gush about the Mashin to Eagle. And actually, now I'm wondering if he might have Asperger's. Because I have it and although I'd never climb someone to create one, I will take any chance I get to gush about whichever of my fandom obsessions I've been thinking about most recently.
As a fellow Aspergian, I am totally down for him also being on the spectrum. Might be a bit of why shipping him and Ascot (who I also headcanon as on the spectrum) came so easily to me after actually considering it. (That and the whole cute color-coded boyfriends with hats deal)

Also, everybody on Cephiro (except for Ascot, Caldina, and Lafarga, who did not appear) got a turn with the Idiot Ball in episode 28 for letting Hikaru actually leave the castle only accompanied by a guy half of them don't trust. Like, how was that not a horrible idea?
If your headcanon for Ascot's backstory doesn't make me want to cry, I probably won't believe it.