How does anyone feel about "shipping weeks"?

Started by suzanami, March 10, 2013, 05:15:12 AM

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I've seen them in the A:TLA fandom almost constantly.  Other fandoms might do it, I'm not sure???  But basically someone decides on a week, assigns a pairing to it, then a theme for each day of the week.  The idea is that you post a fanwork (fic, art, graphic, video, essay) each day for each prompt (doing them in advance is usually okay I think?).

And I've always pouted over my fandoms never doing them because they're not big enough or organized enough.  But hey, the forum here is sort of a central hub of MKR fannish activity these days.  Maybe we could organize something?

It'd be a cool way to try and work with other pairings that we usually don't even touch.  And it'd also create delicious fanworks for us to gobble up.

Stupid idea?  Crazy idea?  (if it's crazy but not stupid we should do it, since "we're all mad here")
• le tumblr —> mainfandomdrawings

I like this idea....   I can do master posts on DNT, too... and we can do something over on FYR....

We can even do crack pairings too....   Or awesome crack that should be canon.... Ascot/Zazu, anyone?

March 10, 2013, 05:59:03 AM #2 Last Edit: March 10, 2013, 07:11:22 AM by suzanami
I was thinking four weeks, four popular pairings, then on the fifth week, do a non-canon or crack pairing each day?

  • Hikaru/Lantis
  • Umi/Clef
  • Fuu/Ferio
  • Umi/Ascot? Or Lantis/Hikaru/Eagle? The semi-canon pairings that may be too unpalatable to devotees of 1 and 2. Can do either?

Also it'll have to be April or May because the new Animal Crossing game comes out the beginning of June and you won't hear from me for a while.  May has five weeks of decent length.
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I must say this is a great idea (specially since tomorrow I'll officially be on vacation).

I must also say that Hikaru/Lantis/Eagle is very palatable for this Hikaru/Lantis devotee. 8D

What should we do for the fifth week?  Maybe the pairings that get less love, like Caldina/Lafarga and, um Emeraude/Zagato and... Well...  It could be Caldina/Lafarga one day and non-canon pairings the rest of the week?  Suggestions for non-canon pairings?  Dibs on Hikaru/Zazu.

Prompts.  I kind of like the idea of using the same prompt set for each pairing.  Or we could have a custom set for each pairing.  Or just put 28 prompts in a hat and draw them for each week?  Thoughts?  Anyway, throw some prompts out there.  I have just a couple to get us started:

  • Secret
  • Lonely
  • Culture Shock
  • First
  • Nature
  • Will
  • The Worst

OR if you guys are like, "suz, just organize the damn thing and we'll participate", I can do that too.
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The prompts would be fun to use for all of them. Would be different each week, because the pairings are different. And either or would be good for the fifth week. I love them both. I'm probably better at writing Caldina and LaFarga, but I can do some Emeraude Zagato....  Flip a coin?

Quote from: suzanami on March 20, 2013, 04:26:55 AM
OR if you guys are like, "suz, just organize the damn thing and we'll participate", I can do that too.

This is also a valid option.

I am very lazy, therefore I think it's good to have you plan it? XD

But I like the idea of many prompts, there can be some that'd fit all the couples, but it'd be nice to think about prompts for specific couples especially concerning the topic on the Rarabai section 8D.