What made your day today?

Started by Revolutionaren, January 18, 2007, 02:53:04 PM

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Hm.... I found I got a 3.8 on my report card!!!!!!!!! YAY! lol. I know that's not the best, but it's a good score for me. O.o
Gliding through a river light.

My left arm stopped aching and threatening rsi! *relieved dancing of JOY*

...mind you, my right one is currently killing me, BUT. I can still type slowly left handed! >.>

I met with a classmate to do Spanish homework and give her photocopies of the workbook and we spent two hours talking anime before we got to the homework.  Then we went to her dorm for quite a few hours and she showed me her absolutely STUNNING cosplay (started sewing in September and is psychotically talented, omfg).  She has convinced me to join her at KatsuCon~  Am going as Asuka (From Eva, not Aska-sama) in her yellow dress.  My first con; hopefully I will be able to make it.  Going as Asuka would be a dream.

SO YES, I have a new, amazingly talented and fun anime friend that I met by chance because I offered to make her copies of the workbook.  Being nice pays off more often than people think.
• le tumblr —> mainfandomdrawings

My biology teacher didn't maim me!

I was supposed to give her some work, but didn't, then I avoided her all week, but alas! I had her today first period.
She came over to my desk, and asked me "Do you have you work?" and I replied "Yes." Then she was all "Ok!" and walked off happily.

Should have wished for unicorns.

I ... watched Naruto.
And watched Savers.

... Mostly Savers.

Fangirled a little bit.
Squeed at the fact that the Naruto fillers end in February.
Squeed at a glimpse of my baby all grown up in the new part to the series.
Got off of Youtube.
And came here.

.... And now I must go prepare for another day of school. x3
With my Narutards. <3
I'm that girl who changes her avatar a little too often. x3 And proud.

current avatar made by umi_mizuno @ LJ <3

So My gran and I were having some sort of superficial argument when she jokingly flipped me off.  I, of course being me, told her "Well same back to you."

She goes and replies. "You don't know how."

At which point we both start laughing hysterically  as I attempt to feign contempt and indignance.

*relieved and startled dancing* I apparently got 84% on the main listening test at the end of last term! PHEW. I was worried about that one. XD (The results I'm slowly getting through are reassuring, to say the least - 84, 85, 86 1/2. Hopefully enough to balance out the mess I made of some of my homework before I realised it counted for anything. ^^;;;)

Also, my Protecting You muses have returned! XD Every e-mail I've tried to send today have devolved into me babbling about some aspect of it or other. XD YAY! Hopefully I can start WRITING again, and stop having Crazy Vivid Dreams because my mind isn't worn out enough. ^^ All I have to worry about now is my wrist keeping up...

...well, and the fact that I've lost some fairly small but important details of the plot. ^^;;;; Reconstructing plotlines, yay? XDXDXD

((heh, I'm even babbling here... feel glad that you don't live near me, last time I did this I kept running through the house yelling at characters every few days. XD))

...does my icon-picture get to count as a thing that's made my day? It makes me giggle everytime I see it. XDXDXDXD

My friends and I FINALLY finished watching Lord of the Rings together. *sigh of relief* Twas the extended editions, and one hadn't even seen all the normal version of Return of the King, so I had to provide helpful information while not giving anything away. O_o;;;

Trying to remember what was and wasn't in the normal versions gives me a headache. XD ((can I mention this? Did they see this bit yet? Well this character - no, hang on, that turns up later on!))

yay, I can stop losing my voice through squeaking at Boromir too much! evil casting people making my favourite actor play my favourite character >.>  (I do this at Emeraude-hime, too. ^^; And Clef, of course. XD)

So my sister is attending classes to become a Certified Nursing Assistant. Well she came over this evening so we could go out and do something. Actually she is looking over my shoulder as I type this.  Anyway. She decided to attempt to take my blood pressure. "attempt" being the operative word here.

I believe it took her nearly ten minutes to position the blood pressure cuff in the correct place.  Weel, I think she finally succeeded after near fifteen mintues, but it amused me and that is all I have to report until later when I come back and edit this for the other crap I had to do today.

It's nearly 1am, so this counts as today. XD (though posting here may make things go Horribly Wrong somehow... ^^; )

I'm going! To Hokkaido! In search of winter!

See you people when I get back next weekend! XD

...I went to the Dentist, and my teeth are good.

And I reserved my copy of Harry Potter 7.
Should have wished for unicorns.

In one word  THIS!!

I know this needs some explaination.  The only one you wil get is that I am far too deep into the Jack/Elizabeth to say anything involving waffles without thinking of them...  Thanks, Ted and Terry!!

My room didn't disapepar or flood or anything stupid while I was away. ^^ Yay. (This was a relief after 8 hours journeying. Planes make my imagination go haywire. XD)

On the other hand, I am now back in Kyoto, where it's raining, rather than Sapporo, where there is snow piled three foot deep along the side of roads in the city and it snowed on us almost every day. T_T I LOVE SNOW.

I wish I had some snow...

My bottle of vodka, here.
Should have wished for unicorns.

I am now the owner of two autographed books about Gary England and Wiley Post.  The author is an awfully nice guy.  He went out to his car to get the Gary England Book, because I asked about it.

Also I now have PSP 9 and Animation Shop.  Notice the silly icon of mine. ^.~   I have been playing with the one but haven't eperamented with the other yet.  I need a nice free day to play with it.

Here is something I want to know. Why do I have to write an ESSAY for a MATH class? *groan*