Another Rewatach Chat

Started by Milieva, January 17, 2013, 02:46:51 AM

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Would anyone be intereted in trying to be online around the same time to do another rewatch chat?   I think last time the room was open the better part of a saturday and we just picked random episodes to watch, didn?t we?

*raises hand* UNSURPRISINGLY I am up for it. XD

I'm about on saturday until the end of january, at the moment! Though I do have flute lessons in them. ^^

How about next Saturday, as I attend a play this one?

ARGH, I miiiiiiiight be out tomorrow doing family things (we have a wedding in a few months, I am a bridesmaid - I've had the dress for - two years? and apparently therefore we need to check if it still fits, and there is talk of WEDDING DISCUSSIONS and as my cousin is as AAAAAH about the thought of, well, the details of the whole thing, she has requested I come and hide with her in a corner while various other people all fuss over things like the difference between cream and ivory! Because she wants to let them fuss because they will have fun (and because this is take two, take one got called off. Hence having had the dress a while!) but will go mad and murder them without someone to hiss at?

and this was meant to be NEXT weekend but I just got my shifts for february and I'm working friday, saturday, sunday.


If it gets called off because of last minute rearranging, I shall come back and go YAYAYAYAYAYAY XD

(now I need to go back to being asleep...)

OKAY I should be about from about 7.30pm my time if people happen to be so?

Anyone up for a rewatch?
I watched the entire anime once, five years ago... I really need a rewatch of the first series!

March 23, 2016, 08:30:38 PM #6 Last Edit: March 24, 2016, 08:46:31 PM by suzanami
I really want to get back into MKR fandom, I'd be up for this~ 

I'm currently organizing the Hikaru & Umi & Fuu weeks for this summer but if anyone wants to head a rewatch I'll be there????
• le tumblr —> mainfandomdrawings

I'd be up for a rewatch too! It's been forever since I watched season 2 actually. Even though it has my favorite character of the series in it some of the stuff still makes me side eye it so hard when I do watch it. haha.  I wouldn't even know how to begin starting one though. Don't think I'd be a good person to host it either, my internet is crap.
Legend says when you can't sleep,
it's because you're awake in someone else's dream.
So that's why I can never sleep properly...
Who the bloody hell is dreaming about me because so help me God,
I will smother them in the face with a throw pillow.

Also in favor of a rewatch, as I wasn't around the last time you guys tried. Don't have any suggestions for how it should go, only that we should definitely hold off until Mils and Down get reliable internet access again.
If your headcanon for Ascot's backstory doesn't make me want to cry, I probably won't believe it.

Quote from: VKiera on March 24, 2016, 02:00:55 AM
I'd be up for a rewatch too! It's been forever since I watched season 2 actually. Even though it has my favorite character of the series in it some of the stuff still makes me side eye it so hard when I do watch it. haha.  I wouldn't even know how to begin starting one though. Don't think I'd be a good person to host it either, my internet is crap.

Poor Eagle... he didn't deserve such an ending in the anime  :'(
I do not know how to head a rewatch either! Maybe we can organize a schedule and decide which episode to watch and when...
Let's wait for Down and Milieva then! ;)

Last time I re-watched the series was some 4 or 5 years ago when I got the 15th Anniversary remastered DVDs.

I'd be glad to join a re-watch :)


What we do not have is brains XDD

Or the ability to remember what day it is, heh.

SO if people were going to be rewatching - what time of day would work? Given I think we moooooooostly have people on GMT and various USA timezones that's a 6+ hourgap to start with, so a day when people won't usually have to get up the next morning OR be at work that day sounds like a plan - which here mostly means saturday, I guess?

But are all you further-west people going to be OUT on your Saturday afternoon/evenings? XD

If we wanted to make sure we have at least an hour for failing to watching episodes and wailing, with some form of chat going on, I'd suggest starting no later than 10pm london time which would be 4pm I think for the east of the states - would anyone at all be about at that point? Anyone interested who is wildly outside those timezones??

Just posting a chat thread for episodes petered out last time (I think we all forgot to watch!) so I'd suggest some form of watching all at the same time - though we could always watch on our own devices and have a chatzy or equivalent open (so those on dogier internet don't have problems with streaming?) WITH MAYBE a thread on here (or tumblr???????????????) to enable a recap and those unable to watch at the same time to join in as well?


(also IS ANYONE INTERESTED IN ORGANISING THINGS Mils and I are suffering an inability to remember what day it is recently XD;;;;;; I mean, I can have a go, but I guarentee nothing in terms of reliability!)

So my suggestion after like half a minute of jetlagged contemplation: Saturdays from 10pm GMT MAYBE??

though that assumes no one actually has a life and goes out or anything. Which may not be true for the rest of you~

The saturday time would generally work for me at least, though I wouldn't say I'd make it every time, but generally speaking that would be a good time for me. I use to stream watch videos with some gaming friends on a website, but I can't remember the site now and the videos all had to be on youtube.  So on that useless note, haha I do think somewhere we could chat live would be best.
Legend says when you can't sleep,
it's because you're awake in someone else's dream.
So that's why I can never sleep properly...
Who the bloody hell is dreaming about me because so help me God,
I will smother them in the face with a throw pillow.

That Saturday time would in general work well for me.

Also, in terms of streaming, both seasons are available subbed and dubbed both on Hulu, although I don't know how well that works for people outside the US.
Of course I'm normal...I'm 90 degrees off from the rest of the world.

Saturday would be fine for me too.
let's see what will happen next